Last night was a blast. About 1,000 Santa's, elves, reindeer and gnomes took to the streets of Reno last night.
The idea? To hit all 24 bars on the your given map. Something like 75% of the profits go to children's charities.
We only made it to 12 bars

. Started at 7pm, and we were crawlin' until 2am.
Polycount's very own Ozymandias joined us for the festivities as well (lay off those vodka red bulls!). Pics were downsized a lot for forum's sake.
My g/f Elenia and I

A glance downtown on the way to bar
Left to right: Ozymandias, Elenia, Anderin (old CS skin artist and my fellow ex-coworker from 5000ft)

West siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiide!

The girls

Elenia's friend and I

Me and my lovely reindeer. Err, Elenia

Ozymandias and some coworkers smother Elenia

Ozy & Jstew have a moment



Deciding on the next bar or beverage

IGT group hug

Just chillin'

Crazy reindeer dude we kept running into

Midnight under the Reno arch


Unmasked with Elenia

Elenia & friend

drunk conga!

Enjoy! Merry (early) Christmas! 