Hi there,
Since there are alot of talented people on this forum i thought why not post my character and see what you guys think of it. I believe I can learn alot from your comments.
The character will be used in a project of mine,
It has 2990 Tri's and a 1024x512 texture ( this may be to big so im thinking about resizing it to a 512x256 and see how that looks. )
And for low odor, i shall make some shots from the side, and see what i can improve
Thanks guys.
other than those things, looks very cool!
And to show how long the arm are, i made a quick shot where the arms are down, and they end up where they suppost to. Maybe the length between the fore or upper arm is not totaly correct.
Thanks guys,
colors! pleasee
Let Johnny Nitro be your guide, yum.
Thanks for the link Chris, it is realy helpfull!