I was modeling this car that I designed and I used sub-d. Here comes the trouble... when I render it with Maya Software renderer, It looks fine. But when I try to use mental ray render, you can see the edges of the model has very screwed up edge (as I marked on the images). Please tell me how to fix it... thanks in advance.

Mayas subdivision surfaces are supported in mental ray for Maya as long as the base mesh is made up of only quads.
The support for subdivision surfaces includes hierarchical edits, hierarchical material assignments, edge and vertex full creases only, uncreases, texture reference objects, deformation motion blur, and derivatives (for bump mapping and texture filtering). Unlike Maya, however, mental ray for Maya can handle only quadrilateral base meshes (a number of Maya standard subdiv shapes are therefore rejected), and UV coordinates can only be specified on the base mesh (level 0).
To get quads everywhere in a rejected subdivision surface
1. Select Subdiv Surfaces > Collapse Hierarchy > [ ].
2. Set Number of levels to 1.
3. Click Apply.
[/ QUOTE ]
And then render. Undo when you're done to get back where you were and continue working if you're not done modeling. Otherwise, you can just duplicate the SubD and collapse hierarchy for rendering, in case you want to keep your uncollapsed mesh around. Or go to Modify > Convert > SubDiv to Polygon [ ] and just render the mesh as poly - it will keep the look of all your creased edges in high poly (level 2 or 3 in convert settings) mesh.