I highly recommend Girls Bravo. In english.
Its a really sophisticated program about the interelations between people and how they deal with everyday problems. Some of the best themes and plot devices I've witnessed in a show in a long time.
I rented all 6 dics (2 seasons) from a local store. I was thoroughly enlightened after each episode and felt somehow better of a person for watching Girls bravo.
Give this show a chance, share it with loved ones, you wont reget it.

PS. In all seriousness, its not for everyone. It might be too highbrow for some.

Am I supposed to take that as a dirty / naughty thing that you said? Cause I can easily do that.
I mean, I look at the cover and it's bikini booby girls...
I shall go out and buy it then!
Does it stand up to Eiken?
Girls Bravo = Adult oriented (perverted) Silly cartoon, that is actually really funny and manages to have heart too. Its NOT a full on X rated hentai... its more like an R rated sexy comedy, so make sure you're old enought to rent it.
I came across this show in a preview on one of the Ai yori Aoshi disks, and really I had no idea Girls bravo was going to be so provcitive. The preview seamed boring until I saw the cover at the rentals... and I thought.. This looks AWESOME !!!!!!! ahhaha.
There are a bunch of funny characters and situations, the show takes itself TOTALLY serious at times, and it can be totally OFF the wall the next moment.
Kazuhara Fukiyama is probably one of the best characters Ever. :P (filthy rich blonde pervert guy)
ok.. go rent now.. before this thread is deleted. :P
now excuse me.. I have to watch something from the criterion collection.
High Quality Anime? Isn't than an Oxymoron?
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Hmm, I thought the same thing...
though I looked up Eiken, and good god. I hope that this show is just a satire of anime...
I mean, the one girl looks like she's 10, but is packing J cups.
It's so dumb it's comedy gold.
There's one part where they have to go down a water slide filled with yougert and they can't let go of their team. Needless to say, the guy ends up hanging onto breasts and has his foot shoved into another girl's mouth while she blushes and sucks on a little.
Then the part of the foot race where they have to stop and eat a chocolate covered banana...
Yeah, it's great.
Puni Puni Poemy is another along the same lines.
*edit* an example of how serious Eiken takes itself: (may be NSFW depending)
But thats it!
Ok. I lied. Im like the Ted Haggart of Anime. I own Akira, Ninja Scroll and Grave of the Fireflies...
But thats it!
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i've watched akira, it was pretty good. how is grave of the fireflies?
It made me a sad puppy.
Dead leaves
Abenobashi - if you like FLCL watch this.
Wolf's rain, from the guys and gals behind cowboy bebop, lots and lots of awesome yoko kanno music, lovely story, and awesome art.
Cool music though (for the most part, the intro song sucks bigtime), but sadly really no where even close to Cowboy Bebop.
Do you happen to know what that studio is working on right now?
Ill recomend Tenjo Tenge. Decent fighting anime, that actually gets interesting and doesnt include 5 minute "power up" sequences.
They've given me many hours of entertainment on my desk at work.
**hint** the breasts are spring laoded and bobble.
I mean, the one girl looks like she's 10, but is packing J cups.
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