Well Sony seems to be quite intent on destroying itself. And this time hillarity ensues,they paid an ad firm to post up a fake blog about two ill playas who only want a Psp for christmas. So now that people have found out they are deleting negative posts 24/7.
Whats even funnier is how bad the site is trying to fake youth gaming culture.
This is one of the playas defending the site

"You all is haters tymes 4. Dis is lee-git. Don't know why youse thinks this is a schill. Are site was registered through an external provider. We don't work for sony. And for all you dissin' my skillz I'm down for a one on one rap off or settling it street stylez if you feel me playa. Teh. I own a Nintendo DS and I love it. I would still like a PSP for shizzle. But the DS is just as solid." - 'cousinpete'
omg i havent laughed this loud in awhile.
This is utterly painful.
[/ QUOTE ]
So so painful.
I sympathize with Sony, i mean in the last couple of years look what they've done to themselves ..
Walkman is no longer in the equation, Ipod is the dominator now.
MiniDisc and UMD have both largely failed ( I must admit i was one of the suckers who bought a minidisk player )
They totally missed the mark with their idea of a mobile gaming system with the psp, thus nintendo is dominating the market.
Playstation 3 is not going to claim as much of a market share as previously with ps1 and 2 ...
I dont think anyone is doing any thinking at sony anymore, ooks like they've just went mad with this spectacle
WHAT HAPPENED? What changed that things have swung so rediculously out of balance. I don't think anyone is really upset with Sony over their attempt at viral marketing. Everyone is just appalled that they are handling this advertising method so very, very badly. If you are going to try to push this sort of thing, you don't create a new site. You hire contractors to subtly infiltrate existing websites with established user bases.
Whoever is managing Sony's marketing needs to be severely disciplined.
can't... look away... must stop reading... eyes bleeding... can't stop... lungs hurting from the laughter... world going dark...
As a PsP owner (or is that pwner?) I have always been insulted by the PsP ad campaigns, this one is no different. I really enjoyed, Metal Gear Ac!d, Daxter & Lego Star Wars II on the PsP despite their horrible advertising making me want to hide my PsP when someone walks by.
When people ask me what I think of it, I say its fun, it could be better but since they aren't Nintendo they won't release a better version. Then I launch into what I dislike about it until their eyes glaze over.
- The thumbstick button pops off.
- The buttons get stuck in the down position and because the way they where designed they wear on the outer case when you press them down.
- The screen scratches like butter. Yes I have been very protective of the screen, see the dura-plastic case I carry it in? Why yes that screen protecting film I put on there, of course it is scratched. No I can't replace the screen.
- The position of the buttons more notably the thumbstick will cramp your hands pretty fast.
- The battery life is really short.
- It comes with a build in game, "will I put it down because of a hand cramp or the battery craps out?". Its not as fun as you would think.
- Load times are great, you can really get a lot of things done while waiting for your PsP to load. Like play other games n stuff.
- When you remember you where playing and try to start the game back up, you find it put itself to sleep. Its a battery saving feature, except it normally causes the games to crash or stop auto saving.
- It has a wi-fi connection, you want to leave that off it drains the battery.
- The screen is too small for porn. Seriously how are you going to handle the PsP and yourself?
- The shinny plastic is really cool and futuristic, except when you go outside like in the commercials. The screen really glares horribly.
- But thats ok because it is also an MP3 player, yeah kind of like your i-Pod but weighs more and the ear bud cord is too short. pray you never drop it with the ear buds in, it will yank your ears clean off your head!
Hello... hello... damn put another one in a comma.
the only reason i would buy a psp is for lumines...but after this not even that.
This is utterly painful.
[/ QUOTE ]
So so painful.
[/ QUOTE ]
fo shizzle!
/me makes sweet lub to his DS
aight, playaaaz, catch ya on da flipside.
On a humorous sidenote:
We can also confirm that the POO FCC ID does exist, along with the accompanying WC tag.
Wii, Poo and WC all on one device, talk about toilet humour. It couldn't get much better
LMFAO, look what I figured out. Notice anything?
[/ QUOTE ]
She has great breasts?
I'm starting to wonder ... is this intended by the ad agency to be blatant or were they actually trying to fool people into thinking the site was made by someone who actually wants a PSP for Christmas?
[/ QUOTE ]
on the other hand it would be really brilliant if Nintendo was actually behind this ,if your enemy is drowing go ahead and toss him an anvil.
this one made me seriously LAUGH !
I'm starting to wonder ... is this intended by the ad agency to be blatant or were they actually trying to fool people into thinking the site was made by someone who actually wants a PSP for Christmas?
[/ QUOTE ]
Well, the two "kids" running the site have denied that they are part of any ad agency and have posted some gibberish somewhere saying that they are just two guys who want to "reprazent" or some such bullshit. Although it seems that any retard could have guessed it was fake and I assume Sony has a little more common sense than that so who knows.
"Busted. Nailed. Snagged. As many of you have figured out (maybe our speech was a little too funky fresh???), Peter isn't a real hip-hop maven and this site was actually developed by Sony. Guess we were trying to be just a little too clever. From this point forward, we will just stick to making cool products, and use this site to give you nothing but the facts on the PSP.
Sony Computer Entertainment America"
"Funky Fresh" LOL
They have a new post:
"Busted. Nailed. Snagged. As many of you have figured out (maybe our speech was a little too funky fresh???), Peter isn't a real hip-hop maven and this site was actually developed by Sony. Guess we were trying to be just a little too clever. From this point forward, we will just stick to making cool products, and use this site to give you nothing but the facts on the PSP.
Sony Computer Entertainment America"
"Funky Fresh" LOL
[/ QUOTE ]
not even an apology,just a oops you caught us statement.Its like suspecting your wife is cheating on you,then coming home finding out its true and then having the guy get up and say" oh dang,i got caught,oh well next wife i screw i better be more clever about it"
Wonder if there will be some advertising person applying for unemployment tomorrow