Instead of wainting for the 26th for a "what did you get" thread, why not start it now?
We could put things we either wish to get or plan to offer as a christmas gift.
I'll start with this (I don't know if i'll buy it for me, offer it to someone or ask someone to find it for me but it'll be under the tree whatever happens) :
Jan Saudek Monography
Open the gates!
Get someone lots of small useful things. (specialty hand lotion, soap, chocolate, tea, coffee, dog shampoo) It actually ended up being cheaper than trying to think of one gift that fits into my budget.
I asked for a nice set of enamel on steel cookware.
I'm getting 1GB for my laptop because 512MB just isn't enough to do much of anything these days
... and (hopefully
-DeathKitten =^..^=
I'm actually done doing the Christmas shopping.
Mother - Black and Decker Food chopper
Father - Zippo gift box, with a lighter that has his initials engraved on it.
Brother - 7.1 channel surround sound gaming speakers
Special friend - well I'd list it, but there's a chance she reads these boards, as I have talked about them to her. And she's been really inquisitive about what I'm making for her.
as for what I'm hoping to get?
an airbrush with a mini air compressor, more ram, slippers, movies, and a Russian officer gas mask, haha.
its a sun jar.
As for what I'm going to get other people, I'll leave it to the last minute as per usual and make my choices from whats left on the shelves.
Sister :
since she dosen't know the show
GF :
(you might know the writer... he's the old cop in the Transporter movies :P )
Parents :
Cousin :
Almost done!
Purchased for mom:
and a whole bunch of T-38 Stuff for dad. Pilot training Videos and flight manual on DVD, 1-48 scale model, poster, art print.
Now just need the GF and friends.
My old man is retiring from the Airforce as of yesterday, so my whole family (excluding my little brother) has decided to buy him his very own plane! In kit form.
My Mother, Sister, and two brothers and myself have all chipped in (heafty amounts) to buy my old man a Zodiac XL that he can build in his workshop. It did cost quite a bit, but the cost was brought down a whole lot by the fact there are 5 of us chipping in, and the price is quite cheap (for a plane anyway) at US$ 15,890.00.
As for what I am getting, I would not have a clue. I hope I get something nice.
Info on Zodiac: