Hi guys! I think this is the first piece I have ever put up for crits, so please, give it a bashing. After some good references from the tutorials you guys gave me on texturing, I gave up modeling the main body for a while, and textured the pilot. The reason for this model is to import it into FS2004 and/or GTA:SA. There is a PC-9 avaliable for FS2004, but I fly with it and sorta think, 'meh'. As I love these aircraft as much as my own mother, I wanted to do a really detailed model of it to fly around with my mates in virtual land when we are not really flying. Anyway, Crits! Oh, and if anyone would know the best way to start unwrapping it, and tips would be handy. Don't worry, I am not so nubbish to not know how to unwrap, I just don't know how to go about tackling it. Anyway, pictures!
Tear away.
And don't pay me out for being a pilot geek. Pleeease.
EDIT: Oh, and because I was bored
I have added gear to the main exterior model, but it isnt really anything different from the pictures posted before.
For info, all the instruments you see there are on a 1024*1024 sheet, the actualy dash (the green part) on a 512*512 and the controller on a 512*512.
The instrument 1024 sheet is full, so I will have to start another for the next set of instruments. I will post a picture of the actual cockpit if I get the chance. I am using a reference, but it all looks very familiar to me :P