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Western portfolio stuff. Big Dump.

polycounter lvl 17
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dkorch polycounter lvl 17
Hey all, welp I just about finished up project of mine and school. I have to polish up a few things here and there, some spec maps, and some weird alpha plane edges. But I thought id show it off and if I forgot to show something with an image here its probably on my website, which I added a few new things too as well.

Anyhow, I hope you all like it. Crits and comments always welcome and watned.




  • Joshua Stubbles
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    Joshua Stubbles polycounter lvl 19
    Aside from a few optimizations here/there - I'd say it's pretty solid. Although I'd suggest taking longer time, and actually building the high poly assets for your normal maps. The photoshop normals look passable, but it's really easy to see their lack of depth.

    Also, are the coffins carrying children? The bloody handprints on the case indicate that they're around 3-4' tall.
  • hoabert
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    hoabert polycounter lvl 17
    Nice work!I really like the way the gunslinger came out. Maybe some more color variation in his skin would look good too.
  • Cojax
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    Cojax polycounter lvl 10
    Hey nice job Darcy! I can remember the concept for this guy, and he turned out really good. The symmetry on the cart is standing out, and I suspect those poor buffalo are undead? Would maybe add more detail to the buffalo, like more decaying matter and dried blood or something. Other then that I think it looks great! Nice job!
  • poopinmymouth
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    poopinmymouth polycounter lvl 19
    I like the first image best, very consistent look and feel. I think my immediate comment is that his poncho is incredibly flat looking, I'd definitely try to get some wrinkles going in the normal map and diffuse.

    Also, would have been cool for you to play with the idea of him having four arms, by giving him four holsters. Maybe put the other two on the upper arms of his two small arms. That way all four arms can draw at once.

  • MackXX
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    MackXX polycounter lvl 17
    I like the character design, very nicely done! smile.gif
  • dkorch
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    dkorch polycounter lvl 17
    Hey everyone, thanks for the responses. it means alot espiecally after bustin my ass heh.

    Vasago: thanks. and yea your right Ill go back into some of those normals and make them pop a little more...hopefully soon heh.

    blacksmith: Thanks for the comments. with the discoluration thing I actually tried alot of different ways and with how confusing this character was already I just didnt like the results it was producing...so I just kept the color changes pretty suddle.

    Hey Geoff. thanks man, its good to hear and congratz on your job bro. the buffalo im gonna definatly go back into when I get time and redo a few things, ie fur, and as you said more decrepitation heh.

    Thanks for the Comment Poop. and yea I totally I agree with you about the poncho. I used the cloth modifier to drap it though so im not sure painting in folds would be a good idea
    but ill play around with it for sure.

    about the four guns, my plane is to make some more guns actually the big arm im going to make a shotgun with the likes of the pistol. and the tiny arm is gonna be either a whip, or a reloading arm, im not sure yet.

    Mack: Thanks man, I appreciate it a ton.
  • Archanex
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    Archanex polycounter lvl 19
    <font color="white">Hey man I dig the 4 arm cowboy. But I think the poncho kinda hides his coolest assest.I'd ditch the poncho to show off his frankensteined glory </font>
  • dkorch
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    dkorch polycounter lvl 17
    Hey Arch thanks, im glad ya like him. and yea I think I agree with you to just ditch his poncho. just afraid it will give him that whole man without a shirt cliche look heh. thanks for the crit.
  • Rhinokey
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    Rhinokey polycounter lvl 18
    is that an 8 shot revolver! for the most part i like it,, just some trouble areas as touched on by most others here, such as the poncho is hiding the body,, this would not be as big of a deal if the poncho was cool.. but its just kinda,, bland. i don't see how using th cloth modifier would have any effect on making wrinkles.. also even if id did.. then find a way around it.

    not a fan of the almond shaped eyes on the buffalo or the bright color on them.
  • Jesse Moody
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    Jesse Moody polycounter lvl 18
    Ah Darcy good to see your stuff on here. Congrats on graduation. Your smart ass comments will be missed in class next quarter. One more for me and I'm out of here as well.

    Anyways back to the model.

    Looks like you have some good feedback on here so far. Some suggestions from me...

    -Try Poops suggestion on the holsters on the arms.

    -Get rid of that poncho or make it more interesting. As in add more colors in it. Put some design work into the thread and add some more wrinkles.

    -Lay your guy down to see how big those coffins are compared to him and that handprint as well. Someone else mentioned that they look like they are for kids.

    - Don't get me wrong while I love the idea that they are for kids you need to check the scale of the handprint and the box.

    -Your ground texture is killing me. I look down through the scene and see some nice stuff then blah... Add some rocks, grass patches, bones, flesh, whatever. Just add something

    -Give us some different poses for your guy. Maybe riding on the wagon with his head tilted down and tweaked to the side smoking his cigar.

    Think Clint Eastwood in The Good, The Bad and The Ugly...I've got it if you need a copy.

    -Lets see this guy without the poncho as well. So we can compare 2 renders side by side and see what looks nicer.

    Ok I think that is it for now. looking forward to the updates.
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