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My first game shipped, here's some stuff I did

With my first game The Creature of Kapu Cave out the door and my second almost wrapped up, I decided it was time I should show some of this stuff off. I should probably mention that it is a point and click mystery adventure game. Think myst style of play but not as brain numbing. All of this is pre-rendered and not real time. Even though I build everything to low poly specs so it would render quickly, it was still higher poly than what you would see in most games.

The entrance to the cave. I think the entire scene came in under 20k polys, that includes the next shot which is just inside the volcano.

This puzzle blocks your entrance into the cave. Once you place a ring in the nose an animation plays of the eyes opening, looking down at you, and the teeth separate and you can spin them around. When you get the right order an animation plays of the teeth moving out of the way and the doors opening. Lots of opacity maps for all the webbing.

A close up of one of the tiki's off to the right side of the big face.

Same Tiki with a reskin for the lava area jumping puzzle (below).

I stuck a camera to a bi-ped and used footsteps to animate the camera jumping from one area to the next. After a few jumps the player can attempt to jump to a far ledge, fall in the lava and die, or push the tongue on the fire tiki above to slide out a platform.

A render of the same tiki minus the tongue and a few changes mostly to the texture. This version was used for the end game room (shown below). Recycle, its not just nice, its the law! =P
After snooping around this room an earth quake is triggered. the floor slips into a game board and the main character has to give orders from above to the "pawn" to get to the exit before the "bad guys get to theirs". Very Scooby Doo, and the animation took a crazy long time to do, so much junk moving around. So many last min changes... /shudder

A water pot area for a sound puzzle. Different visual and audio clue are given to the player as they walk along an area. Only the audio clues matter and the correct order needs to be pressed into the turtle (below) so the floor drops out and the player slides into the next area.

Push the turtle shell pieces in the correct order or face TEH DARTZ O' DEAHTH!!1one. Yeah dart to the neck, didn't see that one coming did you... Two guesses where the darks come from.

I learned a lot on this game and while there is a bunch of this I would love to go back over and make better at some point you have to move on.


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