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Half-Life Model tot?

polycounter lvl 12
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XenoRising polycounter lvl 12
I have used the Search and been unable to find the how to make a half life game model. Can some one direct me to where it can be found?


  • Slum
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    Slum polycounter lvl 18
  • Emil Mujanovic
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    Emil Mujanovic polycounter lvl 18
    It would help if you stated what package you were using and what kind of models you plan to make.
    Making a prop and making a character would be really different (but similar in the whole exporting aspect).

    XSI have a lot of shit for modding/developing for source seeing as its what Valve used for developing HL2.

    There are a few plugins for Max and Maya for exporting your models for use in the source engine. I've only briefly had a look at one for Maya but haven't messed around enough to have anything successfully exported and used in the engine.

    Hopefully I've helped to some extent, sorry if I haven't.

  • XenoRising
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    XenoRising polycounter lvl 12
    I plan to make a light saber model for svencoop, that will replace the crowbar. I have made the model Just im clueless on how to move on from there. I did the model in 3ds max but i love xsi way more its what I have learned and masterd using just 3ds max is what i been told is the only thing that works for half life 1.
  • Emil Mujanovic
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    Emil Mujanovic polycounter lvl 18
    Oh, you're making a model for the HL1 engine... confused.gif
    I've only done minor modding for the source engine (mostly mapping), but I do need to import my own models for props. I'll have a go tonight when I get home from work and see what I can come up with. I'll even have a look for a few tutes as well and post any useful ones here. Might even make my own tute... But we'll see how things go.
    As for HL1, max is really good for that. It has a lot of 3rd party plugins for exporting your mesh and all that shiz. You'd just need to use the compiling tools that come with the SDK and you're set (or you can use milkshape, which is pretty good).
    The link Slum posted has helped me a lot for doing any modding for the source engine. A lot of the information would be relevant for HL1 as well.
    Good luck.

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