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Bohica Studios wants YOU for Talon 1-5..

Hey everyone!

The small team over at Bohica Studios, http://www.bohicastudios.com, has finally come out of hiding and is looking to expand operations for preproduction on the UT2k7 total conversion "Talon 1-5."

We currently have eight highly dedicated and ambitious developers and are looking to recruit a new generation of Bohicans (hehe) for our next production phase. Here is an excerpt from our about section to give you more details of the project:

“Talon 1-5” is a story-driven single-player and co-op mod that aims to combine realism and combat tactics with a science-fiction environment. It will put players into a war to end all wars where they will have to think in order to survive. Taking inspiration from history as well as imagination, we will strive to tell a story about the infantrymen and women of the early 22nd century and how they must persevere for survival and victory like all the Marines who preceded them.

The story centers around an 8-man special forces squad, codenamed “Talon” attached to the 1st Battalion, 5th Marine Regiment of the United States Marine Corps. As our world once again sinks into war, Talon 1-5 becomes part of the Battalion Landing Team for 31st MEU. As a special operations unit, Talon 1-5 are tasked with hunting down and detaining an influential revolutionary leader, as he may hold the key to ending the conflict before them. This classified mission will underlie their more immediate objectives in participation of the North American and Asiatic theaters of the third great war.

We are currently recruiting for six open positions, but even if your particular skill isn't listed here, feel free to drop us a line anyway at talon15@bohicastudios.com

- 3d modelers: For Unreal Engine 3, modeling takes on a whole new dimension as brushes take a back seat to static meshes. Almost everything visual you see in a level is a mesh. Therefore we will need a slew of experienced high and low poly modelers in order to accomplish our goals.

- Programmers: scripting and Programming has always been the lynchpin of a great mod. We are looking for people with experience in C++ and/or Uscript to work with our lead and help make this mod a reality.

- Level Designers: Level design has also taken on a new dimension with the Kismet functionality. As a level designer, you will have a lot more freedom and control when it comes to scripting sequences and building some astounding levels. Come make Kismet your bitch with us!

- Animators: Animation for "Talon 1-5" will be a challenging task, as we are trying to remain as authentic and believable as possible. If you love being the puppet master of digital creations, then drop us a line. We are looking for people who can animate characters most especially, but we also need animators for weapons and vehicles.

- Concept Artists: We are looking for one or two dedicated concept artists to assist the lead designer (myself) in fleshing out some vehicle and environment designs. Also, anyone interested in concepting weapons and/or characters is welcome to apply as well.

- Web Designer: While the team is busy working on the mod itself, we are looking for someone to improve our functional, yet bland webpage so it is up to par with the quality we demand from the mod itself.

A note on the team. We're definitely looking for people with lots of ideas, people who want to broaden the horizons of realistic shooters and not hit the M16 up over and over until the day they die. We are looking for creative individuals for this team who have a fresh perspective on the ideas we are presenting. We are not looking for factory workers who will simply do as they're told. Also, good communication skills are needed.

Please check out the "Team" section of our site for more details on open positions. We look forward to hearing from you!

Thankyou for your time everyone and just so I don't leave you all high and dry, here are some media excerpts to whet your appetites:

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