Man, wtf... I mean i get into the games, and its fun to swing them about, but who let these people get ahold of the thing?
most of the actions only take a flick of the wrist. I mean its fun to swing it about, but it swinging it as hard as you can isn't going to make a difference! (I always keep my finger on the B button anyways, just in case though )
What I don't get is why people are letting it slip out of their hand while they're swinging with all their might. Do your hands get that sweaty? Is the remote that hard to grip? Or do they really think the flimsy strap is going to hold it well?
i almost got a black eye when my friends and i were playing tennis, i made sure to sucker punch him in the kidney when we were boxing though. Wii promotes violence! yaaaaaaaaaa!
Totally. My GF seems to think that ducking and weaving and calling me bitch is entirely worthwhile and acceptable wii sporting conduct. The truth is, she usually pwns me so I guess it works.
Muhahaha, Daz you punch like a girl!, study her moves to fight like a man :P.
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Haha you bastards. Believe it or not I used to box as a kid and was once an avid martial artist. But If you play wii boxing you'll quickly discover that a real life punching technique actually does not work. More of a wrist flicking motion is more effective. And yet still, she kicks my ass. A longer one from thanksgiving day and this time Im so fed up I resort to womb punching
most of the actions only take a flick of the wrist. I mean its fun to swing it about, but it swinging it as hard as you can isn't going to make a difference! (I always keep my finger on the B button anyways, just in case though
"[piglet squeals] I'm STUPID and it's all YOUR FAULT!"
These people who wing thier Wiimotes around hard enough to break the straps were the kids that always had broken toys and never knew why. "Why does the puppy not move George, I pet it good?"
Wii promotes violence! yaaaaaaaaaa!
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Totally. My GF seems to think that ducking and weaving and calling me bitch is entirely worthwhile and acceptable wii sporting conduct. The truth is, she usually pwns me so I guess it works.
wii promotes offensive behavior!
Muhahaha, Daz you punch like a girl!, study her moves to fight like a man :P.
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Haha you bastards. Believe it or not I used to box as a kid and was once an avid martial artist. But If you play wii boxing you'll quickly discover that a real life punching technique actually does not work. More of a wrist flicking motion is more effective. And yet still, she kicks my ass. A longer one from thanksgiving day and this time Im so fed up I resort to womb punching
jokes asides, looks like quite a workout
jeez, talk about roleplaying .. does her trash talking pinch your male ego ?
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