You mean recruiters, right? Something like this?
Though I don't know anything about them other than this very URL.
Sorry if I misunderstood it
However ... FYI (in case you or someone else is not aware) most of these businesses are not interested in helping fresh talent break into the industry. They tend to handle placing experienced people, not entry level workers.
What Paul said is true. Companies pay us a premium to find all stars, proven people that can hit the ground running at a new studio. As a rookie, you would hurt yourself using a Recruiter anyways since once your Resume is on file with a company that a recruiter sent in, then if you get hired the said company will have to pay the Recruiter. No company is going to pay 20-30% for a rookie, so it actually hurts your chances. Be realistic about your experience and strengths and then determine if using a recruiter is a good idea. You can give me a call and I can help walk you through this whole process even if you are a rookie, I love helping Artists, especially from Polycount.
In the USA. I guess a recruiter may not be what I needed. I guess I'm looking more for bizdev companies. I operate a (local) team of artists/programmers looking for "work for hire" projects, not any one individual. Any thoughts on what can be done with that? Everyone on the team is highly experienced with several shipped titles.
No, you're definitely not looking for a recruiter.
If you indeed have an experienced team, then you need to start excercising your current network of contacts ... and make plans to have a representative of your team with demo/sales packages in hand at DICE, GDC and whatever replaces E3 this summer. Just make sure that you go into ech conference with a full appointment calendar.
No, you definately don't need a Recruiter. You can do what Paul said and do it yourself or go with an Agency to represent you like CAA, Fog Studios, or Flashman Studios. These companies will get contracts for you for a nominal fee, but at least it will get your name out there and give you consistant work.
So what is the status of Poacher? I remember Steve "Shadows" did some animals for it and you seemed like the first company that put Speedtree into Torque or at least one of the first .
Great info guys, I appreciate you taking the time. Poacher is on hold due to some government contracts we're working on. Thanks very much for asking though. Steve is a great artist, and I was happy to work with him.
Though I don't know anything about them other than this very URL.
Sorry if I misunderstood it
CEO\Senior Recruiter
Subject Matter Experts, Inc.
Voice USA (510) 558-9182
Fax USA (419) 745-2336
However ... FYI (in case you or someone else is not aware) most of these businesses are not interested in helping fresh talent break into the industry. They tend to handle placing experienced people, not entry level workers.
Kenny M. Carvalho
Recruiter/Game Artist, Inc.
866-358-GAME Ext 104
Please check out our website at
What Paul said is true. Companies pay us a premium to find all stars, proven people that can hit the ground running at a new studio. As a rookie, you would hurt yourself using a Recruiter anyways since once your Resume is on file with a company that a recruiter sent in, then if you get hired the said company will have to pay the Recruiter. No company is going to pay 20-30% for a rookie, so it actually hurts your chances. Be realistic about your experience and strengths and then determine if using a recruiter is a good idea. You can give me a call and I can help walk you through this whole process even if you are a rookie, I love helping Artists, especially from Polycount.
If you indeed have an experienced team, then you need to start excercising your current network of contacts ... and make plans to have a representative of your team with demo/sales packages in hand at DICE, GDC and whatever replaces E3 this summer. Just make sure that you go into ech conference with a full appointment calendar.
So what is the status of Poacher? I remember Steve "Shadows" did some animals for it and you seemed like the first company that put Speedtree into Torque or at least one of the first