On days that I want eye candy or want to be inspired by a design from a talented artist I have to waste time hunting down those who I would like to view art from.
Granted I understand not everyone has a demo reel (myself included) but everytime I do get to view some material I find the reel more soothing to the eyes than a website full of images.
I've seen some nice reels and viewing them helps me think up one for myself when the time comes.
Just a thought that crossed my mind, if this can't be done it's completely understandable... The freelance section seems like a good place for it though.
Employers could access them quicker also, make it easy on the 'man'!

Another idea that this kinda brings up for me is that it would be nice if polycount had kind of a "best of artists" section similar to conceptart.org. Seems like it would be a good way to reward some of the better community members and help em show off their best art. Doing that with demo reels would work out well, although images would be fine too.