Just about done zbrushing this head. Its supposed to be Ahhnuld! The only thing is I'm not sure how to do the hair. I looked for some zbrush hair tutorials but couldnt find anything useful... any comments??
You can start with photo source. Get some good hair texture (there are some high res ones on 3d.sk) and work from there. Paint out the specular highlights, adjust colors to suit your needs. If you're not going with photoreal look, then you can always paint over and get more painterly look. It could be probably easier to apply the hair texture on a model using projections, as usually there is a lot of stretching in hair UVs if hair is part of the head UV shell. So in that case you will probably want to paint hair in ZBrush as well. At least that's how I would go about it in most cases.
I looked for some zbrush hair tutorials but couldnt find anything useful... any comments??
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This post belongs in the pimping and previews section of the forum btw.