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ps3 retail games running on ps3 dev kits.

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malcolm polycount sponsor
So a guy at work has e-mailed around the office saying the ps3 retail games work on the gigantor black dev kits, so if you got a game at work you want to play just pop it in, unlike the xbox360 where you need a retail unit to play games.


  • PfhorRunner
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    PfhorRunner polycounter lvl 18
    The PS3 in our Best Buy overheated... Though I can kind of understand, a lot of power going through there, and it was in a tiny little box...

    The only real frustration about the entire thing was the fact that the display box that it was in was locked (obviously), but the key to the lock was in the hands of the Sony rep. that installed it... who for some reason went down to california for the weekend... Erm. Yeah, I live In washington, and work at the Bellevue Best Buy.... It froze early saturday morning, and we couldn't get it running until about 7pm sunday (tonight)... what a hassle.

    And Now for a relevant story: Some guys came in today looking at the PS3, and were buying some PS3 games. They work for Sony, one a 2d artist, and the other an environmental artist. Both cool guys, but both didn't have the system, was actually their first time seeing one. The were getting their games for their office's Dev Kit... seemed odd to me, but cool nonetheless
  • StrangeFate
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    StrangeFate polycounter lvl 18
    we're doing that, games are rather crap so far tho tongue.gif
  • [MILES]
  • thomasp
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    thomasp hero character
    yeah, we did that as well on our huge ps3 units, however we also have the smaller machine, i think it's a dev/test-box as well but shaped like the retail unit.

    slightly off-topic. i got hold of a few rare jap games for the ps2. sadly, the ps2 test station i sourced refused to read the discs, aren't those multinorm (it's the DTL H30100-E or something) and supposed to play retail games?
  • malcolm
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    malcolm polycount sponsor
    not sure, try it on the ps3 and see if it works, I've heard ps3 does not have country coding.
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