Hey guys,
I just modelled myself a human head and I want to unwrap it using unfold 3d. But it gives me this error message when loading the file:
<font class="small">Code:</font><hr /><pre> Testing and preparing mesh ...
Invalid mesh.
One of the points is not connected to the remainder of mesh. Please try to find thoses points and remove them in your 3d software.
X,Y,Z : 0.000000 15.656313 5.631146 </pre><hr />
I never seen that before

what could there be wrong?
EDIT: this is the model btw, still needs some fixes around his ears and top, but just wanted to see what happends when i put it in unfold.
easy fix.. in max, if you are using editable poly on the vert level there should be remove isolated vertices button.. i dont know if this is in 7 though i am using 9.
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