So, who's playing?
I'm in freakin love with the game.
The visuals are insanely good, and the AI is tough as hell.
I bought mine via STEAM on Monday, and just unlocked it today. I'm actually having a hard time putting my time between this game, and learning Mudbox :P

Have you seen the character art for Mark of Chaos? It too is outstanding.
haven't seen any towns yet, i really hope they've improved the look of these from Rome. They were worse than off-putting before.
The French are also proving to be a pain. They're all friendly and shit, then they send in spies or try to assassinate my generals (and fail)
So I think tonight, I'll have to take my trebuchet's and knock on their city walls
Game looks great, just not much into RTS games personally, but I like how the series has been developing.
<puts a frozen haggis in a long sock and glares at Vassago>
Those scots fight to the bitter end, I'm tellin' ya. My flaming ballistas cut them down pretty good though
I'm thinking about making some new units and stuff for the game. At least revisit some of the textures. Maybe bring in one of the meshes and mudbox it up some. The default normal maps are of the Nvidia-Photoshop-filter kind
I loved the first one and have been waiting for numero 2 for quite a while!
It's available to purchase through STEAM as well. I bought mine through that.