Hi guys, here is something I've been working on and wouldn't mind showing it off and getting some feedback.
Firstly, its not my design. I found the concept in a d&d monster book. It was done with max and zbrush. Its a little heavy polygon wise, and for now I have placed an onmi just under the chest area. There is also some self-illumination in amoungst the chest, stomach and coming out of the shoulders there.
Hope yas like it.
and its done for the portfolio.
I've updated this to what I hope is the final renders.
I like this design more every time I look at it, keep up the great work!
Places like:
- The claws seem to have too many polys.
- The lower half of the back legs. The ankel joint seems to be weighted incorrectly and some polys are over hanging?
- On the shoulders there is a thin edge of polys that can easily be done by texture. Espeically since the detail on the back/side/torso is all texture work. This torso detail could be modeled if polys where stripped out of other areas.
Too bad that would screw up a ton of the UV work =/
But it looks really good, a very nice piece to have in your portfolio!
the palette is very boring and monochromatic tho with little to no contrast in values, as is it looks like the texture was started but never finished, and it is very wasteful on polies. the arms and legs are just overkill and the tail doesn't have quite enough. your target polycount might be fine, but i would definitely take some of those polies from the arms and legs and put them on the tail where they will actually make a difference.
but like i said the design is top notch and you obviously have the skill it just feels unfinished at the moment.
is it an alien/predator cross breed from hell, jezuz those humans aint gonna survive this time!
I like the character and I'd agree with some of the comments about the re-distribution of polies for the key areas.
Other than the shininess, great stuff.
I would have liked and tried to put more definition into the limps. I'm still pretty green with zbrush and my machine has only 1 gig of ram, so I had problems getting meshes into max and rendering to texture.
I will do some more optimizing on the mesh, in some cases, like the plates above the head, I have left it in for now as they will need rebaking. The normals still seems to work when taking them out of the limps, so I'll get rid of more there and probably put them into the tail.
I need to sort the rigging abit more for angle, thanks Vig.
For the texture, I think abit more crisper detail is needed, I find it boring and not overly appealling, but I was trying to follow the concept. I think I need locate the detail more and get more variation coming down to the limps. The lights have also washed it out abit.
Thanks alot for your input.
- BoBo
I will check it out, thanks Earthquake. Though my problem is importing the obj, even in pieces. I'll also get some more ram.
Cheers dude.
Cheers madman, the colours were eating at me also. Yeah much too fairy it was. I think you'll agree its now much more inline for his design. Thanks again.
More crits are welcome. Cheers
agh now it looks too much next gen boring greyish brownish i like the previous colours more
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Agreed, the "next-gen brown" look is pretty gross. Played through half of Gears of War and I needed to look at Mario Sunshine shots afterwards just to wash my eyes. The blueish color scheme on this guy was nice, maybe just tone them down instead of washing them out so much? Your model, your colors really, but it's just nice seeing soemthing with alot of variation and colorplay every now and again. Those little colors really caught the eye and added points of interest to the model, instead of just being more uniform and flat. Maybe I just miss the bright blue underside stuff...
this model and texture is BEAUTIFUL!
I'm still convinced that this is looking alot better than the previous version.
I'm happy to let it die now, thanks.