Most of the stuff he's pointing out are just coincidences, and they had nothing to do with the success of the PS2... plus, a few of them are just flat out wrong. Comparing the price of a PS2 on ebay at launch to the retail price of the PS3? What the hell is the point in that? Also, I'm pretty sure Sony is losing a LOT more than $200 per unit for the PS3. This article seems completely stupid and pointless to me.
Most of that crap is just nitpicking and trying to find similarities. The article lost all credibility when it cited "Early PS2 tech demo: Guy's face." as a similarity.
Most of that crap is just nitpicking and trying to find similarities. The article lost all credibility when it cited "Early PS2 tech demo: Guy's face." as a similarity.
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What are you talking about? Face demos are totally a determining factor in a system's success. TOTALLY! I defy you to give me one example of a successful video game console that did not have a Face tech demo. NAME ONE!
and i really dont remember hearing a lot of people saying how they would never have bought dvds if it were not for the ps2. lol
[/ QUOTE ]
Well, it was that way in Japan... it's pretty much what killed the Dreamcast (Japanese people buying the PS2 like hotcakes just for the DVD feature, and therefore ignoring the DC).
Biggest difference here is that Sony isn't in a vacuum. With the PS2 their shortages didn't matter since they still had more shipped than the competition and had a sizeable lead by the time the other consoles arrived. With the PS3 their direct competitor was building up sales in a vacuum and now has a decent lead while being past its manufacturing problems while the other competitor doesn't seem to have any manufacturing problems in first place. Sony is going to leave this year in last place simply because their shipment numbers are too small. The 360 has accumulated a good number of games by now and a game being released on it can start making a profit NOW instead of having to wait until a million more consoles have been shipped.
seems like an article written by a forum troll with some sort of IQ.
Most of that crap is just nitpicking and trying to find similarities. The article lost all credibility when it cited "Early PS2 tech demo: Guy's face." as a similarity.
[/ QUOTE ]
What are you talking about? Face demos are totally a determining factor in a system's success. TOTALLY! I defy you to give me one example of a successful video game console that did not have a Face tech demo. NAME ONE!
and i really dont remember hearing a lot of people saying how they would never have bought dvds if it were not for the ps2. lol
[/ QUOTE ]
Well, it was that way in Japan... it's pretty much what killed the Dreamcast