So, lately in the news Iv'e heard that Sen Mcain and Guliani are thinking of running for president.
Now I don't even pretend to know anything about politics or anything, and I could give a mouse's fart about Democrats or Repulicans. I have never voted, because I have never supported anybody on the ballots, and I think its stupid to show up to the polls just to write "Mickey Mouse" (excercising my right to vote just cause I can)
but I think Those two guys are really cool guys and it might be nice to have a president I would want meet. Of course there will be those of you on these boards who will disagree. But That's o.k.
Is there anybody you guys would like to see run for president?
and don't be stupid and write "Master Chief" or some shat.
Sadly, he's far too intelligent to want to be the president.
I think at this point the White House is starved for another well spoken President and cabinet. I don't care how for or against them you are, Dubya, Rumsfeld and Cheney have had too many speeches where their responses are vague and/or downright retarded.
where is that?
But it would have to be break dance battles.
Honestly, that sounds so crazy it really dosent fit with guliani's image. He hosted Saturday Night Live for pete's sake.
I looked up the story. and Yeah, That is wack. Screw Guliani. I think Mcain could kick his ass in a fight anyway.
(Yes fighting ability is one of my critereia for a good president)
and it might be nice to have a president I would want meet.
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That's why a lot of people voted for Bush, and that just turned out wonderfully
If I had my druthers, I'd like to see Wesley Clark get the Democratic nomination in 2008... though I doubt it's going to happen. From what I hear, Hillary Clinton (
On the Republican side, McCain is pretty much the only guy I like, but I lost a lot of respect for him in the last couple years. He's been kowtowing to the Bush administration and Jerry Falwell, even after what Bush's people did to him in the 2000 election and after he (rightfully so) referred to Jerry Falwell as an "agent of intolerance." Plus, most conservatives don't like McCain because they see him as a RINO (Republican in name only), since he is so moderate. But in 2008, that might actually help him, since people seem to be tired of the ultra-conservative policies of the Bush administration (if he can only run far enough away from them, after sucking up to them recently).
Vote by mail if you can, its much easier to write in Mikey Mouse.
My 2 cents:
Vote by mail if you can, its much easier to write in Mikey Mouse.
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Haha! That may be true, but unfortunately absentee ballots usually aren't counted unless the election is really close (like, within a single percentage between two candidates), so your Mickey Mouse vote may not count
I'd just love to see some moderates get elected one day.
Although I still think that McCain is a bit of a pussy for stumping for Bush in 2004 after the shit Bush and co. pulled on him in the Republican primaries for 2000.
I'd take Bill clinton again :P, but never his ex-wife.
I would also like to see a woman president...tho, anyone but Hillary.
Whoever it is, get the evangelists out of office.
I would love to see a gay black woman president...and her white first lady.
really loved him when i saw him speaking at the last election.
though living in Kentucky, the state will never side with a black man running. a friggin shame and very very sad thing..
If Hilary Clinton becomes president, I may just move out of the country. It has nothing to do with her being a woman, she is just a dumb worthless douchebag.
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But we have one of those for a president now and you still live here
Although I still think that McCain is a bit of a pussy...
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Yeah, what a pussy.
Although I still think that McCain is a bit of a pussy...
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Yeah, what a pussy.
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Yea, let's just take what I said out of context.
In any event, I would have a lot more respect for the guy if he had not supported Bush in 2004 after all the shit that the Bush campaign put him through in the 2000 primaries.
Realistically speaking though, I'd go with Joe Biden in '08.
BTW: Guliani is indeed a douchebag.
Greeat quote from...Brewsters Millions I believe.
"Who spends millions of dollars on a campaign to get a $60k a year job, unless they're gonna steal it all back anyhow?"
I hate the adds like vote yes on I_986 because cancer never helped anyone. What the fuck is it about? Am i going to remember? No, what each thing is should be on a second pamphlet letting you know what each thing is about. I hate the idea of blind voting no one should have to do guess work while they vote.
They treat voting like its a quiz you have to memorize what is what and who is who so you know what to fill in just like a quiz.
I don't want to vote for some guy because hes the only name i can remember, because my luck hes the guy i hate. If each vote in narrowing down the candidates was one where they gave you the info on what they stand for i think we would end up with better people in charge.
Hillary:See Guliani
Obama:Seems like a good canidate but will a black democrat be elected is the question.
Kerry: He might run again but i wouldnt vote for him since he laid over last election
Gore:Hard to say
she'd be great as president, and dont you dare say she wouldnt.
My 2 cents:
Vote by mail if you can, its much easier to write in Mikey Mouse.
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Haha! That may be true, but unfortunately absentee ballots usually aren't counted unless the election is really close (like, within a single percentage between two candidates), so your Mickey Mouse vote may not count
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Or you live in Washington State where the only way to vote is by mail...
Hillary Clinton hates the game industry, just in case you forgot. Or at least uses us as the fall guy for anything that is bad in America. Would you really want her in the white house so that the ESRB gets replaced by a gov run program? I'd vote for Wesley Clark any day over her.
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Whether or not I'm going to have to show ID when I buy an M-rated game doesn't really come into consideration when I'm voting... sorry, but I think there are more important things in this world than video games. I agree that Clark would be a much better candidate, but realistically, he's probably not going to get the Democratic nomination
I voted for Kinky Friedman for my state's governor. He only got 11% of the votes
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At least he gave the Texas Democrats a chance to sing their favorite song "Republicans stole the election from us." Insinuating that because both Kinky and "grandma" Strayhorn were "closet republicans" that it took votes away from their (game-hatin' btw) boy Bell.
I'm neither for nor against the guy at this point, I'd just like someone to illustrate what his qualifications are beyond giving good interviews on Oprah.
What is it that has so many people convinced Barack Obama would be a good president? He's a dynamic personality, no doubt about that, but what makes people feel he's qualified to lead the country? He spent eight years in the Illinois state senate and has just two years' experience in Congress; he hasn't chaired any committees or personally authored any significant legislation; and he has never held a position in any executive branch of government.
I'm neither for nor against the guy at this point, I'd just like someone to illustrate what his qualifications are beyond giving good interviews on Oprah.
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The same could be asked of our current Douchebag-in-Chief. What makes people feel he's qualified to lead the country? He coked it up in Harvard on daddy's dime then joined the Coast Guard to avoid Vietnam where he went AWOL, then ran an oil business into the ground and this makes him qualified to do what? Pokes a stick into the biggest hornet's nest in the world at literally everyone's expense. Oh but he loves Jesus...SOLD!
Who is not a war monger but also to defend America and it alleys and not just get his defense contractor buddies rich.
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Unfortunately, no politician is immune to the military-industrial complex (whether they're Republican, Democrat, or other). War is one of the world's biggest rackets -- it's nearly a trillion dollar a year industry -- so the huge influence it has in our political system is going to be difficult to overcome. It's not as simple as voting for the right guy.
He coked it up in Harvard on daddy's dime then joined the Coast Guard to avoid Vietnam where he went AWOL, then ran an oil business into the ground and this makes him qualified to do what? Pokes a stick into the biggest hornet's nest in the world at literally everyone's expense. Oh but he loves Jesus...SOLD!
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Three Oil companies actually. :]
As far as the religion topic is concerned. I'd really like to see a candidate NOT make mention to his religion. I would personally love to see an Agnostic in office, but I realize that stating you're Agnostic or Atheist (no I'm not lumping the two together, they're completely different) would pretty much kill your chances. I just think in most cases, religious beliefs, no matter how laxidasical they are, influence the laws and policies you implement. I liked how Kerry tried to refuse, as often as he could, any questions dealing with his religion, and when asked he constantly made mention to the fact that he was aware of the many belief systems the American people had. I don't think our current president can say the same. Kerry still came closer than anyone else in history during a War time. I thought he would have made a great president to be honest. At the very least, we already knew what Bush was capable of, wouldn't have hurt to check out what Kerry could do. How could he have made it worse? heh.
I agree with what was previously mentioned about Obama. He had one good speech at the DNC, showed up on a few talk shows quickly after, and everyone's been crazy about him since. I'll wait to hear more before making up my mind about him.
Seriously though, Joe Biden :] I've liked what he's been saying recently. He's been everyone on TV whorin' himself out, heh. Plus he's from DELAWARE! (throws up the Delaware signs)
Bush.. Ass... anyone else find that funny? Yeah, neither did I.
P.S. I know nothing about politics
And amen to that, Geezus
Err... yeah... I'm not sure why you quoted my post, sledgy. You didn't say anything about Obama and he's the guy I'm interested in hearing about.
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My point was that qualifications apparently don't matter in a popular election since our current chief isn't qualified to run a dildo, much less the USA.
He coked it up in Harvard on daddy's dime then joined the Coast Guard to avoid Vietnam where he went AWOL, then ran an oil business into the ground and this makes him qualified to do what?
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Actually, daddy pulled some strings to get him into the Air National Guard, not the coast guard. But yea, he's still a draft-dodging deserter.
I could care less about Obama, just pointing out that it doesn't really matter what a candidate's qualifications are when it comes to a popular election. Good interviews however are indeed a step up from "Dead Or Alive" when representing the USA to other nations. Here are some other choice ones:
"Anybody who is in a position to serve this country ought to understand the consequences of words." --George W. Bush, interview with Rush Limbaugh, Nov. 1, 2006
Maria Bartiromo: "I'm curious, have you ever googled anybody? Do you use Google?"
President Bush: "Occasionally. One of the things I've used on the Google is to pull up maps. It's very interesting to see -- I've forgot the name of the program -- but you get the satellite, and you can -- like, I kinda like to look at the ranch. It remind me of where I wanna be sometimes." --interview with CNBC's Maria Bartiromo, Oct. 24, 2006
"This morning my administration released the budget numbers for fiscal 2006. These budget numbers are not just estimates; these are the actual results for the fiscal year that ended February the 30th." --George W. Bush, on the fiscal year that ended on Sept. 30, Washington, D.C., Oct. 11, 2006
"I will not withdraw, even if Laura and Barney are the only ones supporting me." --George W. Bush, talking to key Republicans about Iraq, as quoted by Bob Woodward
(Apparently he doesn't get the whole "democracy = representation of the people" thing)
"You know, one of the hardest parts of my job is to connect Iraq to the war on terror." --George W. Bush, interview with CBS News' Katie Couric, Sept. 6, 2006
(Yeah, no shit.)
"I think -- tide turning -- see, as I remember -- I was raised in the desert, but tides kind of -- it's easy to see a tide turn -- did I say those words?" --George W. Bush, asked if the tide was turning in Iraq, Washington, D.C., June 14, 2006
"The point now is how do we work together to achieve important goals. And one such goal is a democracy in Germany." --George W. Bush, D.C., May 5, 2006
"As you can possibly see, I have an injury myself -- not here at the hospital, but in combat with a cedar. I eventually won. The cedar gave me a little scratch. As a matter of fact, the Colonel asked if I needed first aid when she first saw me. I was able to avoid any major surgical operations here, but thanks for your compassion, Colonel." --George W. Bush, after visiting with wounded veterans from the Amputee Care Center of Brooke Army Medical Center, San Antonio, Texas, Jan. 1, 2006
He pretty much represents the USA to other countries as The Land of the Retards, and he may well be accurately representative since he got re-elected.