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Next Gen Console Burn In Issues

polycounter lvl 12
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Motz polycounter lvl 12
Just curious if anyone has heard of any movement in the games industry to standardize game features to assit with reducing screen burn in. I say Next Gen consoles since older gen consoles were geared toward SD games on CRTs. Most HD capable sets in home are plasma right now, and I personally just burned in my FF XII life bars only after 10 hours of play.

Those 10 hours also had an image shift option on my tv on to reduce this affect. I had no idea plasma burn was that sensitive.

Makes me wonder, if they made the bars fade in an out only when you needed it. There would be less or no burn. So are future HD titles doing anything about persistant HUD objects or anything?


  • notman
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    notman polycounter lvl 18
    Many plasmas are supposed to have a reverse burn option. So you should be able to clean up your issue. Obviously it's not something you want to keep repeating though :/
  • Motz
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    Motz polycounter lvl 12
    My plasma monitor (read 'it has no tv tuner') is pretty ghetto. It was the cheapest thing I could find at the time. The only options it has are a full white screen, and a rotating color screen. Each option can be run for 10 or 60 minutes. There is no description of what they do, or if they will damage the thing moreso. I mean a full white screen for an hour... would'nt that burn a full screen in?

    Essentially, I cant do anything but watch movies on it now. Whats the point of the plasma having HD rez support, which games take advantage of more than HD broadcasts on a screen that is so sensitive to them? Even TV broadcast logos would eventually burn in. And judging from the quickness these life bars burn in. It would take no time if I watched sci-fi channel or mtv half the day in the background. Maybe I got a bad apple.
  • sonic
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    sonic polycounter lvl 18
    Actually most HDTVs aren't plasma, but either way you should have probably looked into it before you played the game. I'm not trying to be a dick, but if you spend that much money on a TV you should try to make sure you don't mess it up. Reducing the contrast on your plasma will help it a lot. Also, take a break and turn off your TV every 3-4 hours for about 30 min to help prevent it. Most newish plasmas have pretty much fixed the problem with burn in actually, and if you look on avsforum.com you can see the stories of people with plasmas who haven't experienced any burn-in whatsoever after playing for extended periods of time.
  • notman
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    notman polycounter lvl 18
    I think the all white burn in actually works. I forget technically how it does it, but it's supposed to help.
    This also may be a real streatch, but maybe see if the manufacturer has some info on it. I think many HD's are firmware upgradeable. Or maybe the manufacturer can do something for you(doubt that though).
  • Joshua Stubbles
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    Joshua Stubbles polycounter lvl 20
    I have a Sony 50" SXRD. It's a DLP-esque HDTV. They don't have any burn in issues that I'm aware of. I think plasma's and LCD's are the only ones that have issues with burn in. Then again, I'm not leaving a static image on my TV for 3+hrs to find out :P
  • Motz
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    Motz polycounter lvl 12
    Everyone at Polycount is a dick smile.gif I don't take it offensively, and completely understand. But most humans can't be 100% experts on every product type.

    Nothing at the store or instructions says to calibrate the plasma tv below factory settings to reduce burn in. That is what is being said around the a/v forums. My issue apparently is'nt burn in. It's 'ghosting' and supposedly easily fixed with the white screen for about an hour or so. Apparently this is norm in the first 200 hours of use.

    Point being, any RPG that has 60+ hours of gameplay is going to be played for extended amounts of time. Not everyone has the newest set. I'm sure I'm not the only one who expects TV stations or game developers to address the problem by finding a way to reduce static object screen time, such as logo or life bars.

    I was just curious if there was any developer intent to address this issue. Most of us dont have 4000$ 1080p tv's yet. My set was about 1300, the avg any middle class American would spend on a plasma of this size is around that. I can't be the only one concerned with this.
  • TomDunne
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    TomDunne polycounter lvl 18
    [ QUOTE ]
    I have a Sony 50" SXRD.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Woot! I share the SXRD love, fantastic television set!
  • Joshua Stubbles
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    Joshua Stubbles polycounter lvl 20
    which one you get?
    I've got the KDS-50A2000 smile.gif
  • TomDunne
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    TomDunne polycounter lvl 18
    KDS-R50XBR1, me so horny!
  • danr
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    danr interpolator
    moving on from the telly wanking ...

    the more developers ruin the expensive plasma screens the bosses have in their offices, the more they'll address the issue.

    Seriously though, this isn't a huge step up from catering for people with colour blindness - the TV is an important part of the gameplaying kit, it's only right for developers to help look after it on the behalf of their customers. It wouldn't suprise me to find it creeping in to directives soon
  • KDR_11k
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    KDR_11k polycounter lvl 18
    Games are generally not very healthy for TVs subject to burn in and I think there have been warnings about that in manuals for decades now. What can they do about it, make the HUD jump around randomly? Fading out the HUD won't do enough if you have to keep it visible about 50% of the time since the player has to see it.
  • Motz
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    Motz polycounter lvl 12
    KDR you never have anything positive to say. Yes I expect developers to address this. It's quite simple. Use a color other than pure bright white, dim the static objects to lesser strength colors, transparent HUDs, or HUD's that remove themselves when not in use. FFXII could have easily removed the life bars when not in use.

    My point is that 'if games are not healthy for these tv's', then why make consoles that specifically feature resalutions for these new tvs, so we buy these new tv's to take advantage of that. Get the bad logic here?

    On a note, I've read up on some of this, and now have my plasma calibrated to looking like utter shite for a month, supposedly before it can handle static images better. Something that no salesman, or tv manufactuer, or console manufactuer suggests. I bought a VGA box to play my games on my LCD with, kind of ridiculous having spent 1300 on a tv.
  • eld
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    eld polycounter lvl 18
    They make consoles for HD-resolution tvs, not plasmas specifically.

    When I finally get a hd-tv, I will not get a plasma, or anything that'll burn the image to the screen.
  • Jarrod1937
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    Jarrod1937 polycounter lvl 15
    plasmas are horrible with burn-ins, thier life is shorter than all other technologies, thier resoltuion is usually lower than other technologies...etc. as you cna tell i am not a big fan of plasmas wink.gif
    however if you wish to fix your burnin try http://www.jscreenfix.com/ which is the place to go to to fix stuck pixels on lcds and burnins in both plasmas and lcds (very rare for lcds). all white is supposed to fix them too. however i wouldn't recommend playing games on it for too long since too many burnins just isn't good.
    and i see no reason why games should have a standard to adjust for burnins since only plasmas burnin that easily other than projection tvs but even then i used to have a rear projection 50 inch tv and played for 20 hours once (well it displayed he image for that long, i wasn't playing all of the 20 or so hours), and i didn't get any burnin. yet i have seena friends plasma burin after 8 or so hours... so perhaps you shoyuld get a different tv fro games?
  • Motz
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    Motz polycounter lvl 12
    plasma actually has the best color range of all the current techs. it looks best on the showfloor. LCD's i saw looked like utter shite on display. Even when the poor guy hooked an upsampling dvd player to an expensive lcd, the colors were washed out. this plasma was pretty cheap, but a new westinghouse 1080p lcd of the same size and price just came out. pissed me off.

    Thanks for the link though, it looks like it will help. My plasma has RGB inputs and displays perfectly. I can run this app in fullscreen and I guess it should help. I'll give it a shot tonight.

    Like I said, I bought a component vga box from mayflash so I can play on my computers lcd. Ps2 games at 480i will look much better on the vga box anyway, and I dont mind the smaller screen, since it never filled my screen up anyway due to over/underscan.
  • Jarrod1937
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    Jarrod1937 polycounter lvl 15
    [ QUOTE ]
    plasma actually has the best color range of all the current techs. it looks best on the showfloor. LCD's i saw looked like utter shite on display. Even when the poor guy hooked an upsampling dvd player to an expensive lcd, the colors were washed out. this plasma was pretty cheap, but a new westinghouse 1080p lcd of the same size and price just came out. pissed me off.

    Thanks for the link though, it looks like it will help. My plasma has RGB inputs and displays perfectly. I can run this app in fullscreen and I guess it should help. I'll give it a shot tonight.

    Like I said, I bought a component vga box from mayflash so I can play on my computers lcd. Ps2 games at 480i will look much better on the vga box anyway, and I dont mind the smaller screen, since it never filled my screen up anyway due to over/underscan.

    [/ QUOTE ]where did you go? keep in mind the display tv's at stores are almost always horribly calibrated, the ones i've seen on displays look washed out with very bad colors and contrast ... however pickout a good lcd that is on display and ask if you can adjust it yourself, you would be very surprised at the results. Lcd displays can look very good including their color, which is almost equal to plasmas... the only thing plasmas have over lcd's are the contrast ratio. generally all plasmas have better contrast ratios than most lcds. but there have been some advances and some lcd tvs have very good contrast ratios and shadow detail.
    and i too bought a mayflash component to vga converter, i'm guesing yours works? i got mine from ebay from the seller who gets them directly and mine doesn't work! i was told to contact mayflash for technical assistance but they have not responded to 4 e-mails. i then contacted the ebay seller to get my money back ($60 is enough to make me care), yet the seller ignores my messages... so i gave the seller a nuetral feedback and just left it at that.
    however just incase it is somehow me being stupid, the mayflash component to vga works.... but not really. i can see an image when hooked up to my lcd projector but the image is scrolling. you know, like those old uhf tv's where the image is constantly scrolling up and down... any idea?
  • Motz
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    Motz polycounter lvl 12
    I dont have mine yet, but make sure your projector directly supports the resalution the box outputs. Actually, it sounds like it is using the incorrect hz settings. Try looking on how to set the hz to either 50 or 60. The rolling is the same thing that happens when you try to output PAL on an NTSC screen.

    Is this the one you have? It was only 40US for me:
  • Jarrod1937
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    Jarrod1937 polycounter lvl 15
    [ QUOTE ]
    I dont have mine yet, but make sure your projector directly supports the resalution the box outputs. Actually, it sounds like it is using the incorrect hz settings. Try looking on how to set the hz to either 50 or 60. The rolling is the same thing that happens when you try to output PAL on an NTSC screen.

    Is this the one you have? It was only 40US for me:

    [/ QUOTE ]
    my projector is a native 1024x768, supports up to 1280x1024 (will work with 720p/i) and can go low to support 480p/i. i was trying to feed the component video output from my sd non-progressive sony dvd player, from my playstation 2, and also tried from my xbox hd pack... i see no reason why it would be set to the incorrect hz rating.
    however just incase it may be my projector i did hook it up to my 19 inch crt monitor... with it i got no image at all.
    so anymore ideas? i would love to have component working, it would make my day.
    and no, i got this model:
    but from my understanding it should do the same.
  • Motz
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    Motz polycounter lvl 12
    The ps2 has an internal setting that selects the output type of component cables ie. (RGB vs PrYPb. You could try switching that, BUT if you set it, and try to display it on a device incable of displaying that setting, you wont be able to set it back unless you plug it into a composite or rca connection. Just make sure you have the capability to reset it. Or memorize the button presses needed to switch it back.

    The box i bought is not a simple switch like yours. Yours may not deinterlace images or resample, or auto adjust. No idea. Has mayflash been helpful?
  • Jarrod1937
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    Jarrod1937 polycounter lvl 15
    [ QUOTE ]
    The ps2 has an internal setting that selects the output type of component cables ie. (RGB vs PrYPb. You could try switching that, BUT if you set it, and try to display it on a device incable of displaying that setting, you wont be able to set it back unless you plug it into a composite or rca connection. Just make sure you have the capability to reset it. Or memorize the button presses needed to switch it back.

    The box i bought is not a simple switch like yours. Yours may not deinterlace images or resample, or auto adjust. No idea. Has mayflash been helpful?

    [/ QUOTE ]
    i did try switching the component video type, one gave me a blank screen and the other gave me a scrolling screen like the other devices.
    and mayflash has not replied to 4 of my e-mails, i would say no, they haven't been helpful. since the return date from the sller has already passed i will attempt to open it up tnought and see if there are any variable resisters or dip switchers to adjust... beyond that i don't feel like wastign my time with a multimeter and such to look for faulty circuits.
  • Jarrod1937
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    Jarrod1937 polycounter lvl 15
    well, i fixed it, it turned out to be a bad solder point, a quick reheat with my soldering iron and its fixed. now i am going to go enjoy halo 2 in hd smile.gif

    p.s. i guess cheap converters from china don't have good quality control, who would have guessed!

    p.s. after further testing the scrolling problem also occurs if you try to use standard def inputs, however before i fixed the solder point it was scrolling no matter what signal i put through it. well, now i am enjoying sweet 150 inch hd gaming on my livingroom wall.... gotta love it! only problem is it makes sniping in halo 2 a wee bit too easy laugh.gif
  • koef
    [ QUOTE ]
    well, i fixed it, it turned out to be a bad solder point, a quick reheat with my soldering iron and its fixed.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    How did you open it? There aren't any screws. I have one of these Mayflash VGA001 converters too, and it seems to downscale. When I feed it 1080i, the attached VGA monitor detects a 640x480 signal.
  • ElysiumGX
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    ElysiumGX polycounter lvl 20
    Was this thread about what the game industry should do to help those with plasma screens and the color blind?

    How about what the industry should do for those who have lost both arms while gardening in Antarctica?

    [ QUOTE ]
    Everyone at Polycount is a dick

    [/ QUOTE ]
  • Jarrod1937
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    Jarrod1937 polycounter lvl 15
    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    well, i fixed it, it turned out to be a bad solder point, a quick reheat with my soldering iron and its fixed.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    How did you open it? There aren't any screws. I have one of these Mayflash VGA001 converters too, and it seems to downscale. When I feed it 1080i, the attached VGA monitor detects a 640x480 signal.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    it just uses some plastic clips. use a butterknife or a thin flat screwdriver along the seams and twist it as you move from one side to the other. it eventually pops off.
    however your problem may be due to do fact that 1080 is 1920x1080 in pc terms, so your monitor may not natively support 1920x1080 so it may just be fallingback to 640x480.
  • Motz
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    Motz polycounter lvl 12
    I'm lost.. The 50$ component input vga box i have is a piece of shit. The picture is horrid on my lcd. Are you saying this mayflash 25$-ish item will output hd res on a vga signal?

    *pos means it's blurry as hell, color is completely off, and there are no instructions for the settings. In fact svideo on my box looks better than component. There is also no support for hd rez. wtf why did my box cost more? I assumed the little one was garbage, and the more expensive one was better quality?
  • Jarrod1937
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    Jarrod1937 polycounter lvl 15
    [ QUOTE ]
    I'm lost.. The 50$ component input vga box i have is a piece of shit. The picture is horrid on my lcd. Are you saying this mayflash 25$-ish item will output hd res on a vga signal?

    [/ QUOTE ]
    you can get boxes like this at a lot of places. as long as it says compnent to vga transcoder than you're set. others will just upscale the existing image and not really let you use hd.
    what is your lcd native res?

    p.s. if you geta different converter i would recommend not getting a mayflash, they're cheaply built. i believe ones that do the hd conversion and also de-interlace if needed for around $60-$70.
  • Motz
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    Motz polycounter lvl 12
    Ok this is slightly pissing me off. I just placed a bid on a transcoder, the http://www.datapro.net/products/CSV-955A.html

    IT DOES"NT SUPPORT 480I games.... wtf none of them do. So for PS2, you wont even be able to see teh boot up. You have to boot it on a pc, change the setting to 480p, IF the game supports it, which ff12 does not, and then plug into the lcd. Complete crap. I cant even fathom how displaying a clear video signal on a monitor is so ridiculously difficult.
  • Jarrod1937
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    Jarrod1937 polycounter lvl 15
    [ QUOTE ]
    Ok this is slightly pissing me off. I just placed a bid on a transcoder, the http://www.datapro.net/products/CSV-955A.html

    IT DOES"NT SUPPORT 480I games.... wtf none of them do. So for PS2, you wont even be able to see teh boot up. You have to boot it on a pc, change the setting to 480p, IF the game supports it, which ff12 does not, and then plug into the lcd. Complete crap. I cant even fathom how displaying a clear video signal on a monitor is so ridiculously difficult.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    yes, the ps2 is the only tricky one. its prgressive video support wasn't nearly thought through as well as the xbox's, 360's, ps3's...etc. because of this the very limited amount of games that support progressive are a pain to deal with when you're using something like a transcoder box. whereas a tv would simply allow you to easily switch between the resolution types, the box is a little more involved. my recommendation si to not worry about using it for ps2 games and just use a interlaced support compnent connection if you have one or simply s-video.
    progressive support is truly only needed for large displays since that is where the flaws in interlacing start to show. how big is the display you're wanting to use this for?
  • Motz
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    Motz polycounter lvl 12
    It's only a 19 inch lcd pc monitor. It's pointless now though. I'm just not going to get 480i onto a pc monitor in any kind of nice signal. I've already wasted too much money on this. The current box is going back to ebay, where I can only hope to get half my money back.

    I bought a DVDR/Player for my Plasma that does upscaling of any input signal. The picture quality does look better now, but the burn in is still the issue. So I just play it in extremely low color levels. Almost black and white. Completely utterly stupid. I'd give my left nut for the 37 inch CRT 200lbs monster I gave to family in exchange for this rip off POS plasma. I dont even have any HD devices or HD cable yet. I've been wasting money trying to get the fucking ps2 to look decent.
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