ok you guys remeber my shit kicking pc that had psu problems ? well, since i have all my stuff there and all my work, formating is is out of question since i have to do loads of stuff that sincerely i cant...whats the best solution ? rpair windows !
when it gets to the part : installing devices, it advances till the part that says "34 minutes left" and my screen gets black like if it is turned off, and i cant say if the computer is working or not since it apparently stops using screen...what the hell is happening ???
ok, i create a floppy of SATA\raid drivers 32 bits , boot from winows cd , and selet the option to repair. all good here, but wait :
in the part it says : instaling
please keep giving suggestions
It may no work and you may loose data. Like I said, just get your valuable files off the drive first which is simple if the drive is functioning and the file system is fine.
On a side note. If your mobo has custom 3rd party raid drivers, you may want to get a floppy or cd of those drivers. When you first setup widows it asks you briefly to press f6 i think to install these drivers. Technically a windows repair, is'nt what you think it is. Or is'nt what it should be.
I still think your motherboard is screwed though
1 - i started by putting the motherboard cd in the driver and boot from it, and choose to create a disk with the drivers etc needed for the F6 part. It didnt work as the drivers didnt allow windows to detect the hard drive.
2 - i used the disk in windows and made the disk from the program they had , SATA\RAID drivers 32 bits, etc...
3 - Reboot with windows CD on drive, choose to boot from CD all ok , i press F6 and when it asks me to specify what to install i have to press E , i put the floppy disk and select
all the drivers it list ( they are two and have "recomended" next to them ) , i select them and press Enter , and it starts loading some stuff and it then detects my hard drive and the copy of windows XP , i select it and choose repair R .
4 - it starts copying the files, etc everything ok , the windows setup starts and goes to the "installing devices part" where it seems to block at 34 minuts left\turns off monitor.
5 - i havnt had lunch nor breakfast with this as i am very frustated !
pop the drive into another system and recover the data first.
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Yeah, that's what I did when my work PC crashed. The motherboard was destroyed. I simply took the hard drive out and installed it in another PC. Took me 5 mins. That's the safest bet. And you can then take all the backups you need and stuff. But of course that would be a problem if you do not have another PC available. Perhaps borrow it from a friend or something...
Also try to check every card, take them out and re-insert, see if there's any dust or something causing trouble...
The system turning off the monitor is odd. Windows setup does'nt have power off or standby features at that point. It may still be a power issue from the first thread, it may be your xp cd is scratched, your mobo or ram may be bad.
Do what the other folks said, exchange one hardware item at a time. Start with the ram. Use one stick at a time durring the install. Alternate if it fails. If both single sticks fail, swap the video card. If that fails try a diferent cd/dvd drive. If that fails, well you get it.
You need to take it to a shop at the worst, or a tech friend. You dont live in the states, or i'd offer some assistance. Number one priority, get that drive to another SATA ready system and backup your data. All this re-installing could cause issues. I hope you are not formatting or changing file system when you install.
P.S - when instaling drivers i it better to completely unistall the others or i simply run the instaler etc ?
( n vidia graphic card, realtek audio etc...)
and the other question is : how do i delete windows fro the backup disk ?
thank you soo much for you guys help !!
Now next time something blows up you can restore a backup or format and reinstall without losing/moving your important data.
P.S - when instaling drivers i it better to completely unistall the others or i simply run the instaler etc ?
and the other question is : how do i delete windows fro the backup disk ?
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Usually the drivers from the manufacturer can safely be installed without removing the default windows drivers. Remember to do all of your drivers, including the chipset/motherboard drivers.
Is your backup disk just another hard drive? If so, the best option would be to just copy the files off that you want, and reformat that drive.
The Journey:
- You don't want a pre-built as your needs are higher than what they build or the systems they make that actually do what you need are too expensive. Not knowing or not wanting to build your own you decided to have one built, by a friend, by a small local shop, by a family member.
- In an effort to come in under actual build cost but still dig you (the customer) for full price, cheap parts are used. This maximizes profits and they get to test out new cheap hardware. Pieces the person wouldn't normally use but hey profit is profit and its not their system. If the test is successful, meaning they don't have to spend hours building a proper system after yours goes up in a puff of blue smoke, then they can (sucker) use the parts in other systems.
- Something goes wrong, lack of support leaves you to your own devices, much frustration fallows, maybe even the use of improvised tools such as hammers, axes and large magnets are called in to fix the problem. Normally its duct tape, spit and 50+ trips/orders of misc parts, that keep the system running for the next few year.
- Finally the frustration grows to a new level, the hardware becomes out dated and the alter of shame is replaced. This is the cross roads. Hopefully your travels have provided you with some much needed skills and you have learned what NOT to do in the future. At crossroads the signs read:
5mi to Doiturselfville:
With a big knot in your stomach and stories about people installing their processor incorrectly buzzing in your head, you do your research and build your own. Magically the last systems problems seem small and petty and your issues that pop up are nothing compared to last one.
50mi to Ohshitnotagainhaven:
You fall into the same old trap, doomed to repeat your previous crimes against custom computers. Like the poor, lost, pink sock that never finds its mate or its way out of the dryer. Or the monkey that can never figure out that if he just lets go of what was in the trap, he could get his hand out the hole and go free.
Don't be the pink sock wearing monkey...