I recently joined the i-pod trend and this whole i-tunes software is one huge crapola.
i've looked around for a few alternatives, but just like american food it only looks good until you try it. any opinions?
here are my problems with i-tunes:
1. why can't i just drag and drop a file or folder into my ipod?
2. why can't it globally remember my view preference? i dont care about rating or playing count.
3. i need to put my credit card data to retrieve album artwork???
and hell i dont crack software zomg
ill check out the winamp thing 10x
however if you want to just drag and drop files into your ipod like a usb stick, you can replace the ipod firmware with rockbox. I've been using it for a while and really like it (and it's ability to skin the interface, and play doom on the ipod).