Hey all,
I wanted your help with deciding with how to handle my models texturemaps.
I'm planning to create a normalmap(s), texturemap(s) and specularmap(s) for this model. I want to keep the model specs realistic for a pc/360/ps3 game.
Question is, should I split it into two maps or keep it one? Size?
1x2048? (overkill for todays games?)
1x1024? (wont do justice for a nice normalmap?)
1x512 for face and mask, 1x1024 for rest? (thinking of going for this one)

Or am I mistaking? I mean since they wont have normals facing the same way, colors wont match.
Yeah I intentionally made the mask quite big since i wanted a lot of information there. You think it might look wierd with that differing texture res?
Best to keep the resolution consistant throughout all the model. Some make the head have more res, for characters that get in your face alot. But this is becoming less important as generally we are using higher res textures.