Caution, there's some vampire nakkedness along the right side of my webpage.
Decided to put it all on one page, as updating mulitple pages gets old fast.
Load time might be an issue because of so many images on one page, but oh well, I'll live.
I feel good about the color pallette.
Took out my personal art section because it was all too old. (2001)I'll add it again when I begin to do stuff for myself again.
I tried to keep the html and the css simple, so hopefully it doesn't fall apart on other browsers. I've only checked it on firefox and IE.
That vampire model (Ferril from BloodRayne 2) will get added in there as soon as I finish her up.
I tried to make the whole thing as easy as possible.
um, anything else? any crits?
Thanks guys!
oh yeah, if any of you guys want to exchange links, feel free to post. the best thing about text links is that they're so easy to do.
the way you handeled the torso is great.
arsh: thanks man! I didn't make wire renders of those characters. I was considering going back and adding some more of that stuff on there. I've actually altered my style alot since BR2. Anything new that I post up will definatley have full wire turn arounds.
My main crit would be ... while there is a lot of solid work, there's just too much of it - I don't know where to click. Stuff like the Aeon Flux main character, I don't see the need for having every costume as a different thumbnail link, maybe just pick the best ones and line them up linked off the main image.
Same with a lot of the other sections... there's just too much stuff in it, and personally I'd prefer to see quality over this quantity. I'd probably do an aggressive pass over that and prune out the stuff that isn't top quality, or maybe consolidate some of the images together.
I think the fact that the thumbnail images are so tall and have no spacing in between them is contributing to this cluttered feeling.
That said, I still like it, I just think I'd like it better if it was a bit more lightweight
BTW, if you wanna add a link to my site, I'll happily reciprocate - mine's !
Though, my reasoning for having as much as I do is that the fans of the games always like to see as much as they can, especially when it comes to the 'behind the scenes stuff'. My site is really more for them in a way. Students can go and see lots of things they normally don't see at other sites.
What I've done in the past, when looking for contract stuff, is send a condensed version of my site which also includes a 'to see everything' link back to my main site.
For now, my site is more of a gallery of everything I've done. I'm not really looking for a job or anything, thus, no resume or anything, but if someone runs across my site and wants to talk about a contract or whatever, that's cool.
Though, I know of some shots that can be removed. I'll go and thin it out a bit tomorrow.
Know of any good, simple gallery code? I think that would help alot too.
adding your link in a couple minutes!
Thanks again!
The meshes are clean and textures are cool !
My crits -
Some of Your renderring ( better presentation ) is a little bit "too" dark for me.
exemple :
The polygons color is nearly the same like the background and the wireframes are not so easy to see.
You see what I mean.
c h a n g e ... i t,.... p l e a s e.