Been working on this character I like to call tido. My starting goal for him was to be no more than 1000 triagnles, would like him to be in the 900 range. Currently he sits at 1174 and i was wanting comments and crits on the meshflow, poly distribtution, ways to optimize, and the overall anatomy of this little guy.
Cut down on the polys on the face mostly around the mouth, and moved the hips foward, I headed a different way with the feet then I orginaly planned. I should've went more in depth about the character. He is loosley based around a fairy like puck in midsummer nights dream. He has been a servent for his fair share of time and has been long bored with his job.
The character is still off balance (too far forward) especially considering how small his feet are, there's no way he would be able to stand up