I recently tried out "shave and haircut" for maya 8. Liked it a lot. I personally think it's much easier and looks better than Maya build in Hair. But I can't find any tutorial online teaching how to use it. Particularly, I was trying create a collision object and can't find it "shave" menu. Can anyone please give me some tips on how to use it properly? Thanks.
Thank you so much Daz
I have one directional light and 2 spotlights.
I use the spotlights for reflections in the eyeballs so i parented the eyes and the lights together and i put them in the same visibility layers.
I use the directional light to fake the sunlight.
when i render in mental ray without the spotlights and eyeballs visible the hair color is normal is renders fully black as you can see in the first image.
When i turn on the eyeball and spotlights visibility a lot of the hair turns white as you can see in the second image.
I tried to break the light links in the lighting menu but it doesn't fix the problem. I don't know if i'm selecting the right object. I select the shaveshape from the shave menu and shift select the spotlight and then select break light links. I also selected the spotlight and selected the display all objects illuminated from light and nothing was highlighted but yet its affecting other objects in my scene such as the hair.
does anyone know how I can separate the spotlight's lights from everything else accept the eyeballs?
and also how I can separate the spotlight's lights from the shave and haircut hair so the hair doesn' t turn white?
Help please! because I have no idea what I'm doing wrong./Users/terryfaasoo/Desktop/lightlingshave2.jpg