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campus 'security'

polycounter lvl 18
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snemmy polycounter lvl 18
okay this might seem a bit disjointed copy/pasting from IRC but i hope you get what's happened..

[02:38am] snemmy: me and two friends were kicked out of the fuckin art building by security(campus or local im not sure)
[02:39am] snemmy: i am the fucking Graduate Assistant with keys to the building and this was my weekend to be working
[02:39am] snemmy: which i just realized i am an EMPLOYEE of the university(need to tell erica that)
[02:41am] snemmy: anyway, last night same guy came around and erica and ban were downstairs working. erica was doing her stuff for animation class on the light table. it's due tuesday and she still has 6 seconds at 30fps to go through. cop comes in sees another girl in there, asks if she has an overnight pass and she does, asks if anyone else is there. ban says yeah, is asked for his pass, he doesnt have one, asked why he's there, says he's with erica. cop doesnt see her around the corner at first, she pokes out and is asked for her pass
[02:43am] snemmy: she has one and an ID. cop asks ban again for his. he doesn thave one. erica explains he's her bodygaurd(cause they live downtown and it's stupid to walk downtown alone when your a 4'9" tiny girl). cop's being a dick to both. then leaves. me and 5 other people were upstairs and never saw the cop
[02:44am] snemmy: tonight same cop comes by. asks for passes. i have mine and my id, hand them to him. eric has her's. ban doesnt, he has an ID but he's not enrolled this semesmter. cop says he's not even supposed to be on the computer. erica explains again he's her body gaurd
[02:46am] snemmy: cop starts acting a dick. ban can go wait outside until erica's done, he can go home and erica can call him to come get her.(they have no car and no cell phone, all phones in building are usually locked up anyway, more on that later)
[02:47am] snemmy: which ban and erica live across town. anyway, cop says building closed at 5pm(end of 'official' hours). but im a GA, if i am there then people can come and go as they please as long as i am there
[02:47am] snemmy: cop asks who proped the door open, i say i did. my key does not UNLOCK the doors completely. it lets me in but goes back to being locked as soon as they shut so i HAVE to have it proped oppen
[02:48am] snemmy: anyway, since i admitted to proppign the door open the guy fuckin reports my ID # to campus security
[02:48am] snemmy: which i have from the DEPARTMENT CHAIR that i am allowed to do that as long as i am in teh building, even after hours
[02:49am] snemmy: cops spouts bullshit 'i have it from the cheif of police' blah blah blah
[02:51am] snemmy: he complains about all the after hours passes that were handed out this semester. every damn art student has one because they NEED in the buildin after hours. he wont listen to us saying anything about how hard it is to do art work and how we need in tehre late into th enight. he says we dont know how hard it is to come and lock the doors 9 times a night(which is bullshit since ive already stated it locks autiomatically)
[02:52am] snemmy: i told him i would take responsibility for ban being there and ask if he could stay if i watch him. cop says yes and then says we have to be our within a half hour when he comes back or someone would be arrested for trespassing
[02:52am] snemmy: and that if i am caught proping the doors open again they(i guess security) would take away my building keys
[02:54am] snemmy: the guy leaves. and erica's all torn up. and ive only ever been that mad one other time in memory
[02:54am] TheKeg: snem: file complaints?
[02:54am] NoelCower: Should report him
[02:55am] snemmy: i go downstairs to use the phone in the ceramics lab to call security to say we are leaving the building(which apparently we are supposed to do even though the 2 student accesible phones in teh buildin are usually locked up, go figure) and a guy i know is down there doing pottery and i tell him about it and he hadnt seen the cop at all.
[02:55am] snemmy: oh, we are going to the dept chair on monday.. unfortunately we didnt get the cop's name
[02:56am] snemmy: anyway i call security and say "art students leaving the art building" and all i hear is "alright"... *rolls eyes*
[02:56am] snemmy: we go outside and the cop is in his car waiitng
[02:56am] snemmy: we get in my car and leave and the cop moves onto the next building..
[02:57am] snemmy: so since erica nad ban were in the same room last night, that's the only one he checked.. not up or downstairs, *just the one that he knew people were on
[02:58am] snemmy: i have explicit permission from the dept chair that ME and other students can be in that building after hours if a GA is there
[03:00am] snemmy: ths guy talked to me and erica like we were in middle school, even though im a friggin graduate student
[03:00am] snemmy: none of tghe shit he was talking about was ever mentioned to the GA's or students by professors

ive talked to another grad student who assured me that as long as grad student is present the doors can be propped open...
talked to a couple of students and they hadnt seen security upstairs or downstairs.. so it seems that the guy came straight to that room becuase he thought they would be there again.

erica is planning on staying after hours tonight in the same room to see if the guy comes again. and if she is arrested(i hope ot God not) that me and Ban are to go Mr Franzini(the department chair tomorrow and get proffs and everyone to come down there and raise some Cain...
she's also written to the editor of the campus paper about it and is going to hand it in soon. and we are talkign to the Dept Chair tomorrow morning one way or another..

so very ARGH!!!!

oh and i hit my first deer on friday night while taking some aquaintances home, 2miles from the art building. so i've had a bang up weekend.... a nice dent in my car, lots of scratches and the driver's side rear view was kicked off completely. was only doing 35-40 mph but still.. the thing rolled up on TOP of teh car and kicked around for 3-4 seconds before falling off..


  • Ruz
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    Ruz insane polycounter
    hmm seems like a big deal over nothing really. Instead of getting annoyed just speak to the relevant people about him.

    I really think he was probably bored and annoyed you because he thought he could.
  • Tulkamir
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    Tulkamir polycounter lvl 20
    Shit man, sounds like one brutal weekend. Hope things work out with that security asshole. Sounds like one of those dicks that just wants to show off that he's got power. Deserves a swift kick to the balls really.

    And very sorry to hear about the deer. On the bright side of that, atleast you weren't hurt. :S
  • adam
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    adam polycounter lvl 20
    Sounds like the plastic-shoe cop has nothing better to do.
    Get your privileges in writing and whip out the paper the next time DoucheCop comes around.
  • snemmy
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    snemmy polycounter lvl 18
    well we have official slips of paper that say taht we are allowed to be in teh building after hours as long as we need. (some students spend the night at times) but not only this cop but another security officer have complained about them being "given out like candy".

    we are going to the Department Chair tomorrow morning.. im pretty sure he will not be happy that his GA was threatened to be arrested.

    we're pretty sure he was throwing his (considerable) weight around since he was talkign down to us and *HE was the one getting visiblly mad.
  • Illusions
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    Illusions polycounter lvl 18
    At my old college we had a similar thing happen for people working on their senior project animations until 12 o'clock at night, and usually security knew what was going on. One night, some security guy that usually doesn't check the fine art and architecture buildings came around, and harassed the students for being there. We got the guys name, and had the head of the department speak to his supervisor directly. He fully understood the situation afterwards. This would probably work in your situation as well.
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