quoted from cnn.com:
Saddam Hussein was sentenced Sunday to death by hanging for his role in a brutal crackdown nearly 25 years ago in Dujail. A five-member tribunal is meeting amid heavy security and sweeping curfews in Baghdad and elsewhere, as authorities brace for violent reactions.
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A five-member tribunal is meeting amid heavy security and sweeping curfews in Baghdad and elsewhere, as authorities brace for violent reactions.
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I realize that some insurgents and Saddam loyalists might be upset by the verdict, but was it really all that unexpected? I mean come on, it was pretty much a given that he was going to get death (or at the very least, life in prison with no parole).
Do you have a link to the story? I remember one of the things that was supposed to be addressed in the trial is if the US government (who were closely allied with Saddam) turned a blind to what happened in Dujail, or if they were completely unaware of the massacre that happened there.
1) "the legal system" is the legal system of an entirely new government, one that didn't exist three years ago. The trial itself started just one year ago.
2) it took that long for a myriad of reasons, but most importantly so that no one can object on the grounds that it wasn't a fair trial or that Hussein was set up by a kangaroo court.
3) they can only hang him once. What's it matter if the charge is a crime from 25 years ago or 25 days ago?
Marcus Dublin
Artist - Kaos Studios
Couldnt think of anyone who deserves the short drop and a sudden stop more than saddam.
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thing is there are plenty of corrupt 'evil' dictators, but for some reason we're always told to look at this guy. What would happen if the world police went after each and every one of them I wonder
Couldnt think of anyone who deserves the short drop and a sudden stop more than saddam.
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thing is there are plenty of corrupt 'evil' dictators, but for some reason we're always told to look at this guy. What would happen if the world police went after each and every one of them I wonder
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Isnt that what the world police should be doing?
we're taking out cruelty and terror one evil mustache at a time...
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Haha, good call.
thing is there are plenty of corrupt 'evil' dictators, but for some reason we're always told to look at this guy. What would happen if the world police went after each and every one of them I wonder
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This is a job for Team America World Police!
Thing is though, this guy has openly taunted the west for years, pushing that little bit further every time and living in the lap of luxury while his people suffer the consequences with sanctions.
As Wayne and Garth would say... Shwing!
Or as George Formby would have sung (musolini song)
"Im dangling from a lamp post on the corner of the street, waiting for my lady to go by, oh me, oh my!"
Actually I made that up.
sentenced to death for killing 148 shi'ites nearly 25 years ago. this news definitely shadows the US army's monthly 100+ death toll in Iraq.
A fate worse than death.
(Q) An assassination attempt was made on President Bushes (Senior) life some 25 years ago. To catch the suspects the American military carpet bombed a remote mountain outpost in Afghanistan, known to harbor suspected terrorists and the men responsible for plotting his death. Unfortunately 150 citizens were killed during the operation.
Should Bush face the death penalty?
I was presuming that because Saddam is / was the leader of Iraq, he can hunt and kill terrorists for trying to take his life, just like any secret service does? I'm sure we would call it "bringing them to justice" or something else as sweet, but at the end of the day, retaliation for assassination attempts would kick off the same in any country.
Iraq was a sovereign nation invaded for made up reasons, we (the invaders) then found something to charge the leader of that country with, that he did 25 years ago because theres nothing else to take the heat off invading his country. WMD? Links to terrorists? all been proven wrong. What's left to excuse the invasion?
I'm not saying he's a good guy, or that Iraq should have been left to rot under his command, but many "tyrants" (as seen in our view) condone the deaths of hundreds. Including Tony Blair and George Bush Jr. Although you don't find anyone invading our countries for their views, maybe because we are scary motherfuckers with lots of bombs.
That's not really comparing Apples to Apples Hawken . One was an accident and the other was murder and torture. Im sure Bush senior is guilty of MANY crimes I mean he was the director of the CIA ..etc etc but in that instance I doubt Bush was like " ahh a few rag heads just kill em too " . I mean we kill a lot of people on accident including our own troops .
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Well as much as i think Saddam deserves what he gets it,all the blood shed to that result was not worth it. The war was and is based on complete bullshit and now they will use this as a sign of progress in Iraq when it just keeps spiraling downward daily.
With any luck after tomorrow some damn oversight will be brought into this administration and some of its members will have to answer for their actions.
it also begs the question, why kick off now and not 25 years ago?
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Because 25 years ago he was on our side (the US) and we were supplying him with weapons. Also, it's a bit tough to put the leader of a sovereign country on trial; first you have to invade his country, then you have capture him, and then finally you have to occupy his country and try to keep everything from falling to chaos.
*sarcasm* wow...i didn't see this one coming. */sarcasm*
sentenced to death for killing 148 shi'ites nearly 25 years ago. this news definitely shadows the US army's monthly 100+ death toll in Iraq.
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it also begs the question, why kick off now and not 25 years ago?
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Because 25 years ago he was on our side (the US) and we were supplying him with weapons. Also, it's a bit tough to put the leader of a sovereign country on trial; first you have to invade his country, then you have capture him, and then finally you have to occupy his country and try to keep everything from falling to chaos.
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Not to mention that Bill Clinton was in power 25 years ago ... oh, errr, wait a minute ...
*sarcasm* wow...i didn't see this one coming. */sarcasm*
sentenced to death for killing 148 shi'ites nearly 25 years ago. this news definitely shadows the US army's monthly 100+ death toll in Iraq.
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well, to be fair, saddam overall killed hundreds of thousands of people, they just sentenced him for the first thing they could, no point in sentencing him to death multiple times. but, on the other hand, our army has killed over 650,000 iraqi civilians
sorry, had to do it.. could not resist
sorry, had to do it.. could not resist
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LOL that's a truly awesome poster. I'm going to print that out and display it proudly.
Anyone else notice how fuel prices have dropped like a rock preceding the election? I wonder how long after the election it will take for prices to start climbing again...
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It's already been creeping up in my area. It went down to $2.09 initially, now it's back up to $2.29. About a week or so ago, the Saudi's reduced production and I believe there was an incident at one of the refinerys again (conveniently).
You know what I find annoying is how they claim basic supply and demand drive the prices. Yet, if our demand goes down, they don't reduce the price... instead they lower production to keep the prices inflated. That's not 'basic' supply and demand. That is purposely increasing demand.