I am ecstatic to announce I am a dad of a healthy, and big, baby boy.. My wife gave birth to our first little Polycounter on Wednesday night (Just in time for LOST!! lol) Here's the stats:
Logan Christopher
Born: 11/01/06 at 7:19 pm
Weight: 8 lbs. 12 oz.
Length: 20.1 inches
Polycount: 300,000 polygons
Mom and baby are doing excellently !!
(I am sorta bummed that he seems to have more hair than I do.. hehe)

It's so exciting, yet scary too.. time to learn all sorts of new things..
Harl and Tins, you're next..
Yes, these next few days/weeks are going to fly by, so try to enjoy them
PS. That SSS is awesome.
With a name like that, he'll be a world-class track and field competitor, no doubt. Run, Logan, run!
[/ QUOTE ] I can see it now he'll be a long distance runner. When he turns 30 he will run his last race. Everyone will be waiting for him to re-enter the arena but slips out of the race to find Sanctuary.
My first child is coming end of January, hope everything goes as smoothly as yours did!
Thanks for all the congrats.. its such a sureal feeling, guess it takes a while for the fact that you're a parent to set in.
I also didnt realize that we had some other little "WIP" Polycounters. I will definately be up for sharing some childcare tips.. I already have a few..
(NG - My wife, Jessie, already got "baptized" with the firehose.. I was smart enough to put a "cap" on it when doing diaper changes.. lol)
Babys like their mommy's better than their daddys up untill age 2.
So dont feel bad if your kids cant stand it when you hold him. You can begin to gain points whith your kid as soon as he can eat solid food, then its all about daddy bringing home the treats and sharing his slurpee.
Oh and also you become the worlds greatest amusment park ride.
Congrats, Pat. I am very, very happy for you and the lil' lady (even though you have trouble keeping in contact, ya big lug! =] ) Hope all goes well and I am sure that kid will be at least as golden of a human being as you. =D
Grats to you and your wife.
- BoBo