Hi guys,
Ive been working like crazy over the last few months, finishing some mapping work for
Nuclear Dawn and working on a website to provide a large, online expanding library of polished textures for game developers and 3D artists. Its been a labour of love, working day and night to build up a quality library of content for launch, not to mention the website itself but Im proud to finally announce that its now open to the public!

The site provides a large online collection of high quality professionally made texture maps that are ready to use as soon as you download. All textures are seamless and of a high resolution, and more importantly are completely copyright and royalty free once you subscribe. That means that you can use them in your projects, be it personal or commercial.
I will be adding up to 50-60 textures per week, and once you become a subscribed member, I aim to offer a personalised service where if you dont see something you want, you can simply request it and I will aim to add associated textures into the library. Not only that but I have also begun to add extra maps such as normal and specular to the library as well as any other maps appropriate to the base texture maps. You can also find a variety of different types of textures too such as Decals and Detail maps.
If you want to sample the textures before subscribing, each week we are offering 6 free samples over at the free textures section! There is also a free tutorials section which is being built up at the moment so expect more content there soon.

Anyway I hope you find this useful and find something you like! Subscription is pretty cheap, only around the price of a couple of beers!
If you have any comments, questions or feedback Id love to hear them!

(Click on the images to visit the site)
$236 CDN a year
$209 USD a year
You might want to fix up the spelling of "Graffiti" to keep things all nice and professional looking.
Great site! You'll have a new customer very shortly.
[/ QUOTE ]
same here, those are some good textures and definantly beats me taking the time to make some when doign levels.