My first instinct was to model Cammy straight up and claim she was a Juni redesign, lol. Then I gave more thought to the challenge parameter "redesign". Not wanting to plummet into the elsewhere mentioned "E. Honda as a pirate" pitfall, I tried to think of redesign elements that would be distinct yet not qualify the creation as a separate character. As importantly, I wanted the redesign to make some sense within the Street Fighter universe. So I began with the question, "what if Rolento got to Cammy first, and she worked for Mad Gear instead of Shadaloo"? Enter Mad Gear Cammy! I decided to keep most of her defining characteristics and work on top of those. After much soul-searching I decided that a shaved head (see also "cop out") would not be part of her redesign, and that I would boldly model the pigtail braids...

The colored portions represent redesign elements. I started re-purposing an existing (non-Street Fighter) model about three days ago. Prepare yourselves for something more than Zbrush whoring!

I started re-purposing an existing (non-Street Fighter) model about three days ago.
[/ QUOTE ]
Isn't using a non-contest leftover against the rules?
The important thing I guess is that this may very well mark a personal best cell-shaded model, so that's cool.
I think I was a little bolder in my redesign approach and it was probably to the benefit of the creation.
Given societal aging trends perhaps weight gain would have lent credibility to your redesign.
OMG! I am thankful that you were too late to enter! Nobody would've stood a chance.
Er, but what's a "societal aging trend"?
Hopefully there will be a new comp soon for me to make a mockery of the term 'contest' in (because there will be none).
Right now I am working on an echidna that has evolved to survive on nothing but aphids (and occasionally not even that). It looks a lot like a generic echidna... but EDGIER!
Contain your awe.