When I was in the UK I bought a keychain for my gay dad (who smokes) a keychain that says "I love fags" As an American, I must say I giggled like crazy about it.
I got an ex to quit smoking 4 times in three years. Yeah, screw that noise.
I got an ex to quit smoking 4 times in three years.
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Hmmmm...It couldn't have been too effective if you had to do it 3 more times.
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Tell me about it. He basically started up again every time we had a huge fight, pretty much to spite me. That or would try to have "just one" at a party while drinking. Sigh.
When I was in the UK I bought a keychain for my gay dad...
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Doubleyou Tee Eff? Seriously, you can't just say a thing like that and not elaborate.
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Haha, my mom's best friend, Allen. (yes, I call him Big Gay Al)He's a homosexual and a father figure to me.
"Screw you! I'm gonna poison my lungs! <takes a draw on a cigarette> Take that!"
Hmm....take that....there's an idea. Whenever you feel like smoking, put a Take That cd on (I suggest you get some poor sucker to obtain it for you so you don't get stoned *as in rocks* to death). Then eventually you will associate fags with fags (if you'll pardon the expression) and that might help you quit.
I've actually known of people to have good results with hpynosis and acupuncture (wow, 3 'u's in one word).
I haven't had a fag for 2 days. I'll be back on them once this cold has passed no doubt.
previously I gave up by smoking a lot of cheap tabs, about 200 infact, made myself sick from forced chain smoking and couldn't face another ciggy ever again.
That lasted about 2 years, and I can say it worked really well. I even started preaching to my mates about giving up. Until I decided to move back to Japan that is, where ciggies cost $3US a pack. And plus my current GF is a part time smoker.
actually I still tend to smoke when i have a cold.
ciggies are around 6 quid a pack in the uk now, a very expensive habit indeed
yeah i bought some of those cheap fags in london, its like smoking plastic wrapped in a cardboard tube
I did quit for few months earlier this year but started again. I was sick at home and really bored so i tought hey 1 cig a day does not do any harm and then it went back to normal, pack a day.
And i have to agree with hawken, smoking is indeed fun. I think i could live without the nicotine and shit but the act of smoking really helps me to relax and get my mind off things for a few mins.
And i have to agree with hawken, smoking is indeed fun. I think i could live without the nicotine and shit but the act of smoking really helps me to relax and get my mind off things for a few mins.
[/ QUOTE ]
or maybe it could be the rush of nicotine through your blood stream that cause that effect?
well yeah smoking is fun of course, thats why its so addictive, but the more you smoke the lesss nicotine rush you get, so then you end up chain smoking
Honestly, I had a health scare while smoking. Thought I was getting throat cancer. Scared the hell out of me. Screening came up negative, but I haven't had one since. That's 3yrs now. Smoked for 9yrs.
Okay, well maybe I've had a few, during drunken sprees. But that's it
fag machine
[/ QUOTE ]
oh and 'quitters never win!'
Good luck Ruz. I've found 3D has a tendency to make me forget about stuff like eating, so hopefully it will do the same for you and smoking
Putting a fag in your mouth whenever you can and sucking it down to a nib is a filthy habit
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And in North America that has a whole other meaning
I got an ex to quit smoking 4 times in three years. Yeah, screw that noise.
But, um, good luck!
When I was in the UK I bought a keychain for my gay dad...
[/ QUOTE ]
Doubleyou Tee Eff? Seriously, you can't just say a thing like that and not elaborate.
I got an ex to quit smoking 4 times in three years.
[/ QUOTE ]
Hmmmm...It couldn't have been too effective if you had to do it 3 more times.
I got an ex to quit smoking 4 times in three years.
[/ QUOTE ]
Hmmmm...It couldn't have been too effective if you had to do it 3 more times.
[/ QUOTE ]
Tell me about it.
When I was in the UK I bought a keychain for my gay dad...
[/ QUOTE ]
Doubleyou Tee Eff? Seriously, you can't just say a thing like that and not elaborate.
[/ QUOTE ]
Haha, my mom's best friend, Allen. (yes, I call him Big Gay Al)He's a homosexual and a father figure to me.
Human psychology is fascinating.
"Screw you! I'm gonna poison my lungs! <takes a draw on a cigarette> Take that!"
Hmm....take that....there's an idea. Whenever you feel like smoking, put a Take That cd on (I suggest you get some poor sucker to obtain it for you so you don't get stoned *as in rocks* to death). Then eventually you will associate fags with fags (if you'll pardon the expression) and that might help you quit.
I've actually known of people to have good results with hpynosis and acupuncture (wow, 3 'u's in one word).
I haven't had a fag for 2 days. I'll be back on them once this cold has passed no doubt.
previously I gave up by smoking a lot of cheap tabs, about 200 infact, made myself sick from forced chain smoking and couldn't face another ciggy ever again.
That lasted about 2 years, and I can say it worked really well. I even started preaching to my mates about giving up. Until I decided to move back to Japan that is, where ciggies cost $3US a pack. And plus my current GF is a part time smoker.
Smoking is fun.
ciggies are around 6 quid a pack in the uk now, a very expensive habit indeed
yeah i bought some of those cheap fags in london, its like smoking plastic wrapped in a cardboard tube
And i have to agree with hawken, smoking is indeed fun. I think i could live without the nicotine and shit but the act of smoking really helps me to relax and get my mind off things for a few mins.
And i have to agree with hawken, smoking is indeed fun. I think i could live without the nicotine and shit but the act of smoking really helps me to relax and get my mind off things for a few mins.
[/ QUOTE ]
or maybe it could be the rush of nicotine through your blood stream that cause that effect?
it is fun though, i managed to quit two years ago, when i moved cities, new people new home etc, great way of kicking old habits.
ghood luck. dont wuss out go cold turky and ride the wave.
My grandpa died from lip cancer at 60 so I never started. Watched his body degrade and face collapse from surgery.
Honestly, I had a health scare while smoking. Thought I was getting throat cancer. Scared the hell out of me. Screening came up negative, but I haven't had one since. That's 3yrs now. Smoked for 9yrs.
Okay, well maybe I've had a few, during drunken sprees. But that's it
Stupid habit. It's enjoyable, obviously, but it is so absolutely stupid to do I can't believe it's as wide-spread as it is - addictive or not.
let see how far we can take this and how many we can get on board!