Yeah we stole it from the Klingons, so what?
Actually its not that kind of cloaking, YET but its still pretty cool. I'm sure it will come in really handy in the war on terror what with all the "terrorist" using micro waves to find the hummers driving up and down the road

copper cylinder gadget:
Japanese dudes gadget (actual photos):
I can see which one is going to be on the market first
Not only that, but i remember reading it wasn't all that functional to begin with, allthough i can't remember what the flaw was.
although the BBC did a good job of hyping up a headline which was pretty much 100% inaccurate:
it's not a cloak, and it doesn't make things invisible, in the common usage of the word anyway.
still, it's an interesting advance in technology!
The fatal flaw was the it's viewed from a camera point of view, and then projected onto the jacket
[/ QUOTE ]
no no no, that was his previous experiment.
this new one is something different. exactly what I'm unsure.
oh and lets be glad it's not good for military uses.
it's just a camera strapped to his back, a cleverly reflective coat, and a projector aimed at the coat. The only scientific advance there is that he's invented a very reflective material even when wrinkled.
Unless you have links to this "new" experiment? And don't say the photos you already linked, cos they're not!
I am the next HG Wells you know