I'm looking for a skin for a media player in WinXP that would be easy for a technophobe to use.
I've been converting all our CDs to MP3s, because our young kids scratch them too fast. I'm also wiring the house for multi-room sound.
But my somewhat-luddite wife dislikes using the computer. So I'm trying to win her over so she can enjoy the music. If I re-skin WMP it'll lower the barrier a bit. The default Winamp and WMP players have too many buttons. I'm looking for something that has familiar-looking buttons like your standard stereo or boombox.
These are more like a stereo, but they're fugly and have horribly-designed buttons.

This one is the best so far, but the playlist window is non-resizable.

Anyone know of some good simple anachronistic skins?
I'd also like the analog-looking dial for the volume. Instant read.
Looks pretty good to me! Just collapse the graphic equaliser window and the media browser window and it should be fine.