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Need some recomendation to find a good MOD team

polycounter lvl 17
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Crazy3dcreator polycounter lvl 17
i, i hope i am not post i wrong section. So far i already join with 3 MOD project and 1 non MOD game project but unfortunatelly all of them is closed (one project is closed because personal recruitment problem and others it just closed without any reason) It little bit pain for me because i already create some model but now it useless. I hope can find some recomendation from experienced member to find a good game MOD project that have good future (at least is not stopped in middle way) Maybe this time is better for me to avoid somekind 'overkill project' that need to much resource and time, and start it with more acceptable game concept (i think a small team with good management is better but i didn'f find it so far) Well, maybe i am not a talented 3D artist but at least i can try my luck and let them judge it. Thank anyway.


  • Neo_God
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    Neo_God polycounter lvl 18
    I don't know if this is the right forum or not.

    Mods are really a toss up. Most of them fail, close, get shut down and just stagnate out of lack of commitment. I would say something like 99.7% of the mods started never get finished. Due to many many reasons. Usually outrageous expectations with a team that knows very little.

    I would just say look around, and if you can find a mod that has steady updates, reasonable expectations, and a team that doesn't consist of 50 artists and no coders. Then you should be good.
  • notman
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    notman polycounter lvl 18
    Translate please? You are looking for a team to be part of? Or you want to create a mod team?

    You should at least post some images of the models you've done.
  • Lee3dee
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    Lee3dee polycounter lvl 18

    I lost count the number of MODs that I joined that died as quickly as they started. my advice is to either find one that is in production, you have either played the beta and like it or start working on your own stuff. MODs come and go very quickly, finding a good one is hard, but can be very rewarding.
  • cholden
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    cholden polycounter lvl 18
    Look for a mod that's already playable in some sort of alpha, beta or whatever release that you can download and you like that needs more art assets you can create. That's the safest bet.

    You can always post in the requests section, but also, post some of your art in this thread to show what you're capable of and/or the type of art you want to do.
  • KeyserSoze
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    KeyserSoze polycounter lvl 18
    Notman, I don't think he's trying to start his own mod team or even looking for one, he's just asking what to look for in a mod/team that he's joining that can help him determine if the project is going to go anywhere, or if it is just going to die. I think he's basically asking for advice on how to know if he's wasting his time on a project that's going nowhere.
  • notman
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    notman polycounter lvl 18
    Thanks for clearing it up Keyser. I'm part of a team that is still going pretty strong and appear that it will come to completion. We are making a game and a few mod teams are planning on building from it (including mine). If you post your work, people could make a judgement (as you mentioned). If it's good enough, I could pass your info along.
  • Neo_God
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    Neo_God polycounter lvl 18
    Yeah, I dropped from the mod scene a couple years ago. But recently joined one because I was seeing some quality work coming from it (some of the team members are actually in the industry. One works for Rockstar and another for Gearbox games).

    Though before that, back when I got into modeling, I joined so many mods and game projects. Made countless models. All of them were never used. But you know, the experience is nice. It gives you a slight idea of working on team. Unless of course it's really unorganized. So don't think that all your time was wasted. I know you were hoping to see your work in a finished project. But just look at it as more experience to be better.
  • Crazy3dcreator
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    Crazy3dcreator polycounter lvl 17
    Hi all, thanks fo reply my post. Actually i am hope i can join a mod team as 3d artist but maybe i need some advice to pick a good one (like Neo_God said maybe i only get little chance to find it because it is only about 0.3 percent) so i can start learning dan got some experience as part a game dev team. Honestly, i wish someday i can see may name in game mod credit (i think i am not the only one) So far i find that dev team with playable/beta game is usually already have solid team and doesn't looking for more people. Maybe someone can show me a good mod team that still open for new recruitment so i can post my work and, if i lucky enough, join as part of them. I try using google to find some good article that explain how to find a good mod team but i didn't find it so far, so it really helpfull if someone else can give me link about that kind articles. Thank again for all of yours reply to my post and sorry for my bad english.
  • hawken
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    hawken polycounter lvl 19
    I ran a mod for 3 years, it was good fun, taught all of us a lot. It's not really all that important if it makes it or not, so long as the process is there and everyone is learning and having fun.

    I'm not sure what you can mod these days without having a degree in computer science or 20 hours a day to spend on 3d but good luck :P
  • Rick Stirling
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    Rick Stirling polycounter lvl 18
    Most mods fail. It's a fact of life.


    There are dozens of reasons why they fail, and dozens of ways to prevent a mod failing, and to protect your work if they do fail.

    Unless a mod was being ran by someone from here, and already had several members from here working on it, I'd probably not be interested. Of course, these days I'd rather spend my spare time enjoying my life outside of computer art.
  • Campaignjunkie
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    Campaignjunkie polycounter lvl 18
    All the advice here is good, but make sure you join also because it's something you're personally interested in. I've joined some mods that had plenty of work done and had some tests going, but then I actually played the mod one day and realized I didn't like it at all. Oh, and if a mod requires you to sign an NDA... I wouldn't do it. That's when you know they're probably too full of themselves, with few exceptions.
  • Neo_God
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    Neo_God polycounter lvl 18
    Listen to Mr.Stirling! He speaks the truth. Or at least he speaks with the sort of authority that makes it seem like the truth...either way, It's worth a read.
  • Crazy3dcreator
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    Crazy3dcreator polycounter lvl 17
    Rick_Stirling :
    Thanks alot for link, well it is a good article (honestly, it make me little bit down so far) i hope i can find more article like this.

    Sometime i find that making good decision and picking right game mod team become difficult for me. For example, i find a good mod dev team with talented people and good game concept but so far it's only have few people (only 4 people) In other case i find a mod team with good schedule and management but it working with next gen game engine that not available yet (it look there some pros and cons about it). I think join with small and well organized team that currently work for small modification is one of the safest choice for me (correct me if i am wrong).

    I try to resume some of advice that i got :
    1. Try to find Game Mod team that already playable/beta.
    2. Ignore Mod team that asking to full cover copyright and noxious NDA.
    3. Join with mod team that i personally interested.

    Maybe other member can add more advice for me ?? Once again thanks a lot for your reply guys.
  • Xaltar
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    Xaltar polycounter lvl 17
    You need to post some of your art so guys here can see what level you are at and how good you are. I know of several mods going on at the moment but I won't refer you to them unless I know how good your artwork is, it would be a waste of your time and theirs.
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