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Merging animations - 3dsmax

ngon master
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almighty_gir ngon master
So, earlier i decided to try and merge an animation i had made using max's biped.

both bipeds from each scene were identical (in fact, i was merging to the referance scene).

it says it merged fine, but when i hit play, the biped floats forward, without any of the actual animated motion i created.

any suggestions?


  • hyrumark
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    hyrumark polycounter lvl 12
    It sounds like typical TCB controller issue. But maybe I don't understand your question. How did you merge the animation? If you are merging the animation onto an identical biped, why not just save your animation as a .bip and load it in that way?

    If you are merging 2 animations together, then I'd use the motions mixer, and double up the start and end frames to get rid of any floating caused by the TCB controller.
  • aesir
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    aesir polycounter lvl 18
    yea, export bip files of the motion and then put it together with character studios motion capture thing.
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