Well, been lurking around here for a while, time to start contributing. This contest really got me excited, and after a week or two thinking about it, I dove in and started modelling. Here are the first few pics of my work in progress, doing Cammy by the way.

Then I got a bit more into it:

And finally today I really started making the character recognizable and not just a generic blob of polygons.

Got a little frustrated there for a while, but adding things like the hat and hair and defining the boots I think helped pull it together. I must say, reading this forum has definately pushed me to go ahead and try things like this that I wouldn't have the determination to do alone, so thanks for that in advance everyone.
Comments would be very welcomed. I'll try to start making my voice heard in the rest of the forum now too, I suppose!
The head is pretty huge, I think I overcompensated (it was TINY to begin with, so I enlarged it alot).
Hands and arm layouts seem to be my biggest issue, I'm having a hard time getting them away from a grid layout. Especially in the shoulder area, like was pointed out. If I add more loops it just makes it more...loopy, and not any more defined. The head and torso I feel like I at least understand how to do, and so I just have to keep working in those areas until it is just right.
Other views, slighty changed from yesterdays. I feel like the head doesn't look quite so large from an ortho view:
I think I fixed most of the clownish/childish issues. Some of the topology is now weird, like around the shoulder and down near the base of the back, hope to get it cleaned up. The head/body proportions look better now though I think. Getting there anyways.
Should probably try to get rid of that hard angle under her arm too, and make it look more like her ribs and not like someone stuck a brick in her shirt.
But even compared to a slightly earlier version (http://perfectasterisk.com/goobshit/cammy_textured_00.jpg) its already shaping up a tiny bit. Just need to keep at it and keep learning. I have no idea how to get the skin to glow like it should without looking gross. Been reading alot of reference on skin and it's all mostly focused on 2d painting, can't find good 3d reference, 2d takes lighting into account whileas I'm not sure how much of that to do in 3d. Hrm.
As beautiful as its going to get before the deadline. Glad I came up with something though, tweaked a bit from last time but only put in about 20 rushed minutes tonight, been working on some other stuff. I think I learned alot and I can't wait for the next one though, I think I'll do much better.
And looking now, I think I messed my specular and or bumps way up too, if I even had them on. Just checked, I didn't, doh, this is just diffuse. Oh well, I'll fix it for next time. They were rushed anyways.
Here's my wires.