been playing quake 2 demo since i dont have the full trying to get the expansions etc too...
My laptop is basically a old game station , since it is crap ahah...REd alert 2, starcraft , diablo 2 , mario games, worms armagedon , fallout...
I am also playing ocarina of time and perfect dark on my n64
Once I finish Okami tonight or tomorrow I'll be blasting through the rest of the crapfest that is jak II: Renegade. Then it'll be the rest of Voodoo Vince that I haven't touched in ages. Then i'll be cracking open my minty mint jap copy of Chameleon Twist.
And I'm sure Family Guy will nudge itself in there at some point. Hundreds of games I'm part way through or haven't started yet, and another 10 already bought this week. Woohoo. The cycle continues.
I've yet to finish Grandia and Panzer Dragoon Saga for Saturn. But Damn if I haven't been meaning to for the last few months - I'm just too lazy to dig them out of storage.
Currently going through KOTOR, then I plan to play KOTOR 2 since I like the first one so much. I've played so many old games already, that there really isn't much left for me to revisit. I have System Shock 2 laying around, but I have never once played it, so that will probably be my next one to play through. I was also thinking about playing the Zelda games for Gameboy Color too.
Is it worth getting a GP2X now for the emulation? I want to get around to playing Chrono Trigger since all my friends say it's the best RPG ever made.
[/ QUOTE ]
Well for amost everything except SNES emulation the GP2x is a sure thing, but Snes is still somewhat of a mixed topic. It is currently under heavy and quick development, so I guess there might be a really good version soon, but right now it has problems with transparencies.
Many games like Supermarioworld for example run perfectly with sound at 60fps (50fps PAL), but games with heavy use of transparencys (Like Chronotrigger I guess... I have to try it) have graphical errors and sometimes slowdowns, just as games with special chips arn't emulated yet (like starfox).
But there is so much more than just Snes emulation Exspecially the perfect Genisis and NeoGeo emulation on the GP2x is nothing short of spectacular.
Edit: I just tried the first few minutes of ChronoTrigger, and it seems to run perfectly contrary to what I wrote earlier...but games like Secret of Mana for example have problems with transparenscies not displayed correctly.
i played through riddick--a decent game--better than the stupid movie..something about playing as an overpowered-super-dangerous-cannot-be-killed-no-matter-what convict is more fun than watching one on screen.
Also played through the kong game--not bad stuff. niether of those are TOOOooo old, but they are hitting the 10 dollar bins now.
Played out Max Payne and Halo this week, and Max Payne 2 the week before that. Max Payne series, they never get old.
As for games I never finished, I usually don't finish 'm if they're not at all interesting, like Doom3. I did want to have another go at Dune2000, which I never beat because I sucked back when I got it, but it doesn't play on the new comp.
My attention span? I finish very few games.I got 3/4s throguh Dead Rising and binned it cos it was naff. I get to disc 2 on Resi 4 ont he cube, bin it. I got to the final main boss in Shadow OTC and decided the game was boring (I just asked someone at work what happened next).
Psychonauts? Great game. Got to the conspiracy theory guard head and got bored. I really must go back to that one. And I want to finish Manhunt. It's flawed, but its a very good game at its core.
I loved Vagrant Story. I was qute far through and bought a PS2. VS crashed every time at a certain sage on the PS2. I wish I had completed that.
Oh, and I *NEED* to say - Warriors was one of the most overlooked titles of recent times. Don't miss it.
Just bought and finished Mercenaries on ps2, really awesome game, can't believe I missed the first time around but I picked it up as greatest hits. Also picked up Hulk Ultimate Destruction as I've heard that is really good and Evil Dead Regeneration it was 19 bucks.
just re-playing Chrono Trigger on the SNES in Japanese, bloody save games are broken because the battery on the cart has run out, meaning I haven't turned of my snes in weeks.
Also starting to get into "Room Mania #203" on the dreamcast.
As they say, best way to emulate a dreamcast is to buy one
My laptop is basically a old game station , since it is crap ahah...REd alert 2, starcraft , diablo 2 , mario games, worms armagedon , fallout...
I am also playing ocarina of time and perfect dark on my n64
If I get a hold of a console soon there'll be many more to add tot hat.
And I'm sure Family Guy will nudge itself in there at some point. Hundreds of games I'm part way through or haven't started yet, and another 10 already bought this week. Woohoo. The cycle continues.
I went through Dash de Leilei and I also stumbled upon this piece of crap i have not played in years
Lots of emulated classics on my GP2X handheld, but on my new mainsystem I can finally play modern games again, so I do that
[/ QUOTE ]
Is it worth getting a GP2X now for the emulation? I want to get around to playing Chrono Trigger since all my friends say it's the best RPG ever made.
Is it worth getting a GP2X now for the emulation? I want to get around to playing Chrono Trigger since all my friends say it's the best RPG ever made.
[/ QUOTE ]
Well for amost everything except SNES emulation the GP2x is a sure thing, but Snes is still somewhat of a mixed topic. It is currently under heavy and quick development, so I guess there might be a really good version soon, but right now it has problems with transparencies.
Many games like Supermarioworld for example run perfectly with sound at 60fps (50fps PAL), but games with heavy use of transparencys (Like Chronotrigger I guess... I have to try it) have graphical errors and sometimes slowdowns, just as games with special chips arn't emulated yet (like starfox).
But there is so much more than just Snes emulation
Edit: I just tried the first few minutes of ChronoTrigger, and it seems to run perfectly contrary to what I wrote earlier...but games like Secret of Mana for example have problems with transparenscies not displayed correctly.
Nothing really old lately, though.
Also played through the kong game--not bad stuff. niether of those are TOOOooo old, but they are hitting the 10 dollar bins now.
As for games I never finished, I usually don't finish 'm if they're not at all interesting, like Doom3. I did want to have another go at Dune2000, which I never beat because I sucked back when I got it, but it doesn't play on the new comp.
Psychonauts? Great game. Got to the conspiracy theory guard head and got bored. I really must go back to that one. And I want to finish Manhunt. It's flawed, but its a very good game at its core.
I loved Vagrant Story. I was qute far through and bought a PS2. VS crashed every time at a certain sage on the PS2. I wish I had completed that.
Oh, and I *NEED* to say - Warriors was one of the most overlooked titles of recent times. Don't miss it.
Also starting to get into "Room Mania #203" on the dreamcast.
As they say, best way to emulate a dreamcast is to buy one
I am thinking of buying a PSP just to run SCUMMVM on it.
[/ QUOTE ]
SCUMMVM runs much better on the GP2X
I think I might actually try out Rome. I bought it shortly after release and then for one reason or another, never actually played it.