So I booted up my 360 while I was getting ready to go to work, and what did I find? Why Lumines Live!, of course (or else the thread would be named different).
I know there are plenty of you guys/gals like to play puzzle games, and may have got a PSP for Lumines alone. How does this make you feel?
Think of it as a Tetris Rave.
live was down all day yesterday
I bought a PSP for multiple reasons though, not just Lumines :P
i fucking love lumines would be the only reason to buy a psp , too bad there isnt a pc version....
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There are several clones of it for the PC and GBA but they obviously lack the Mizuguchi touch (music, graphics).
I find lots of games i want on it besides this one game, and more coming out.
And why the hell does a lot of xbox games that have multiplayer have to have "LIVE!" in its title... omg Halo 4 Live! must buy!
I was playing until about 1am this morning
I will note though, that it's hard adjusting to the large screen. I'm so used to seeing it on the PSP screen. hehe