my wacom keep double clicking from single clicks, and it's getting highly annoying. I tried new drivers but it's doing the same thing on both windows and mac os. Also tried searching the web about this problem but can't find anything about it.
my hunch is that it could mean the nib needs replacing, anyone else had this problem?
I had the opposite once I couldn't double click and it turned out I'd been messing around in the drivers panel and set it to o far apart
I found that Graphires seem to allow the lowest-softest feel quite neicely, while intuoses may need the pressure thing one tiny step harder maybe because they are so much more sensitive...
the problem I'm having is with the intuos 3 (my second one!) and often happens when I click a link or a file etc and it will just open two of that same file or link.
It's like the command is being sent twice, obviously I'm not clicking twice
will check the sensitivity settings, thanks.
gonna ring them and use my holy "warranty card" of power