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Art Test

polycounter lvl 18
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retleks polycounter lvl 18
Hello everyone. Been trying to land my first gig, as such everyone wants and art test, he is one I can show. Just wanted a hi rez bust ready for baking.


  • MoP
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    MoP polycounter lvl 18
    Looks good to me!
    The cloth folds on the back of his jacket look a bit odd (too much tight indent, not enough puffing out) and the shape of his hair at the middle of the back of his head is a bit weird, but the detail all seems nicely done.

    Were you working off concept art for this? Having a "headset mic" thing coming down the side of his face makes very little sense when he has some sort of techy mask over it anyway smile.gif
    The chest armour could also maybe use a more interesting design and more solid structure, but in general it seems to work pretty well.

    Good luck with the job application!
  • spacemonkey
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    spacemonkey polycounter lvl 18
    hey smile.gif thats looking pretty good

    I think the brow area could benefit from some resculpting, it doesnt look particulalrly realistic right now. Some good photoref will help there. Also it looks like you got your screens from zbrush? from 3/4 angles...it looks bad, which I would assume would be because your in orphagraphic mode in zbrush. If you are zbrush, try viewing the mesh with perspective on, you can modify in that mode, but if its too large to export to an external app, it might help display the model as it truly will look. wink.gif
  • killingpeople
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    killingpeople polycounter lvl 18
    this appears to be an impressive amount of effort.
    i agree with spacemonkey, you should give the face more attention - the model has half of the face covered, which makes me question your ability to create accurate facial features skillfully. i feel that a good character artist should possess a favorable understanding of anatomy, dynamic forms, and proportions. because not much of the face is showing, critically speaking, i would be actively seeking out anatomy mistakes.
  • retleks
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    retleks polycounter lvl 18
    Uhh, thanks guys. This is straight from concept, that's all I'll say about it. Captured in XSI viewport, I may have actually not been using the camera, and instead the user view, which would explain a slight distortion in the perspective. I'm comfortable with the head as is, I don't think I'd have a problem modeling a head acurately as I've done so many times if you check my site out. I find a certain amount of pleasure in taking freedom with certain forms in order to achieve a look a I like. The art test was supposing 20 hours of work, so I stopped as close to it at my best guess. Whether this sheds a positive or negative effect on the final image is yet to be determined. Hits, misses, and fouls.
  • Spark
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    Spark polycounter lvl 18
    I think the guy's brought up some good points retleks, that maybe you should pay some attention to. The work on your site is stronger than the screenshot you provided, but honestly there are some areas that you could tweak on this character. Also it's good to have the attitude of "I find a certain amount of pleasure in taking freedom with certain forms in order to achieve a look a I like", but maybe you should save some of that for personal projects, rather than showcasing it on a art test that seems to want a more realistic look. There is alot of serious talent here in polycount, and those that are already in the field you are trying to break into, just think you statement comes off as more "thanks, but I know more than you", as everyone has something to learn and can improve. Sorry if I misread anything.

  • retleks
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    retleks polycounter lvl 18
    Sorry if it came off that way. I know this place is full of talent and professionals, it is one of the many reasons I'm trying to post here more often. But this isn't the only place I post, it is the only place that has given me some constructive feedback on this model though. What's been stated in this thread reflects the fact that I did not post enough information regarding the source material used. Then again it's a little irritating to have someone tell me that because the face is half covered they would question my ability to do a face accurately, or that I need to seek a better understanding of human anatomy. If this is true, then I guess we should question King's ability to do faces accurately as per his last pimp. This is straight from concept, as far as the front view goes. I don't want to say anything more about the design choices, because then it would reflect on my potential employer, and I'm not getting in this business to make enemies. Admitedly the brow line and eyes are annoying me, and if I had been more patient the problems probably would not exist. But it's a little far to assume I'm unfamiliar with proportion, anatomy, and dynamic forms based on this peice... Has every peice you've done been perfect? I just wish that things could be kept in context of the image a little more. Again thank you for the critiques, I have learned something from them... I'm just a little stressed right now so it makes it harder to read between the lines.
  • Sean McBride
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    Sean McBride polycounter lvl 18
    Don't be stressed out Ben. wink.gif No need for that! I'll email you more specifics from work but we all liked it. smile.gif
  • killingpeople
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    killingpeople polycounter lvl 18
    retleks: i figured you were modeling from a concept. i didn't mean to frazzle you with my comments - you handled it well after being bothered by it, i didn't mean to stress. it's hard to understand what people mean with when they rough type like this. i was trying to be critical and offer up some criticism so you could determine if it was valuable or not. i do apologize if i had given any unwanted criticism. like i had mentioned, i thought this showed you had put in a lot of effort and there are good things here - i especially like the work on his back. i wanted to second what spacemonkey had mentioned and in fact intended to warn that if what he had to say wasn't changed, one might think you're unfamiliar with proportion, anatomy, and dynamic forms. that was my fault for poor communication. i don't usually make time to articulate my thoughts when it comes to the internet in general. i am basically trying to communicate things i think about when looking for weakness in my own work - which is hardly always perfect wink.gif but definately, no need to stress man. only trying to help.
  • retleks
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    retleks polycounter lvl 18
    Hey, thanks guys, I'm much more calmed down now. I'm usually very open to all types of criticism. I guess I just let my state of mind make a lot of assumptions for me. Anyway, as Sean said, all seems well, and I'm not about to get an ulcer over all of this... I need a stiff drink.
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