Hey guys
I have this model exported to doom 3, the probem is the seam across middle its looks bad, even more than the stock models. I have used renderbump to the make normal with enough edge padding but it is still there. Anyone else have the same issue.
I have noticed the shading is diffrent on one side
If it's a character model you will have to use "unsmoothtangents" in the material file (look at some of the default shaders for character models in D3) as that 'forces' the polygon/lighting relationship in game to behave differently (don't recall the technical reasons).
If it's a map object then you can't use unsmoothtangents so you'll have to hide any UVW seams on the mesh by strategically placing them where there are 'natural' edges or seams on the model or where there's a relatively flat area of polygons before transitions to angled faces.
Regarding the shading, if you've done the model correctly there shouldn't be any difference between each side of the model, that's usually the result of not 'fixing' a mesh that's been mirrored so check your face normals and which why they're pointing (all to the outside).