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Gregord The Giant

polycounter lvl 18
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richkid polycounter lvl 18
This is a model i just started last week. he is currently at 2848 tris, next up is to start working on the asymetrical parts.
still a long way to go on him, but im liking where he is headed. any design ideas or comments welcomed and needed. i dont want to get too attatched and then have something be horribly wrong.



  • EricElwell
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    EricElwell insane polycounter
    I like him a lot! I think the form is spot on... only thing that strikes me as odd is the ankles... is that supposed to be extreme anatomy or is there something special there?
  • Slipstream
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    Slipstream polycounter lvl 19
    Looks good, but doesn't quite get across the "giant" sized proportions, especially since there's no frame of reference.
    Usually if you want to communicate massive size and strength in a character, you shrink the head so that they can standalone while still giving off those features. I'd suggest trying that and just seeing where it takes you.
  • Fjornsvavne
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    Fjornsvavne polycounter lvl 17
    Dunno if I like the polyflow of it. Though you say it's early wip, I hope you'll fix that part anytime soon. smile.gif What I mean is that there are polys lying around a bit sloppy, that could be used a bit better. At least according to my preferences, hehe. To hand an example you could reduce the amount of vertical edges on the torso, to go and give the head a more distinctive form, as in the concept. Perhaps even the flow at his sides.. or such. ^^ I'd also like to see more beef on his arms, especially the lower arm. It'd match the style, and his already beefy legs.
  • Jaco
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    Jaco polycounter lvl 17
    Nice, love the face. Agreed with what has been said, beef him up a bit!
  • dkorch
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    dkorch polycounter lvl 17
    Gav, its look cool dude. but like some of them have said you have some weird geometry in places. the loops on the inner elbow look weird and dont look like they will deform to well. however they look a little better on the back of the arm.

    also like what was mentioned earlier, the ankles are weird. I would just get rid of that topology there and go for the basic 3 loops, and push out a vert or two at the ankles, and it will look the same with less polys and a cleaner flow. also it seems to be causing a lack of definition in the achilias heel area.

    and also as fjorn said, you could reduce those verticle edges on the front torso and give some more defination to the head. specifcally the eye brow and mussle area. if the guy is going to be huge, having those deform smoothly will be important.

    and put that tree and shit on the back to give it some scale. lookin good though hippie:)
  • richkid
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    richkid polycounter lvl 18
    i beefed up a lot of parts, not too much but still noticable. as to the size of his head, the research i did on animal and human head sizes in relation to body, i think for the style and size, it looks right. i will try and shoot out another wire frame this week so you can see the tweaks i mad to that.
    here is a little update on the giant
    The textures and normal map have a long way to go still, but its a good start to the journey. and if anyone knows much about rigging for nextgen, i would love to talk to you about what i can and cant do.

  • MAUL0r
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    MAUL0r polycounter lvl 18
    looking good dude, the face has alot of character even without the texture which is always a good thing.
  • Nate Broach
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    Nate Broach polycounter lvl 18
    Something about the flab under his chin dosnt look natural to me. If it didnt have a skin texture on it already, I would think you were making some kind of neck brace or large necklace for him.
  • richkid
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    richkid polycounter lvl 18
    i dig what you are saying, maybe if it is popped a little less it will read more as fatty roles. thanks nate
  • Ghostscape
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    Ghostscape polycounter lvl 13
    The neck flab pops out way too much for how buff his chest is. Pull it in a little bit and add some paunch to his belly and flop his pecs down a bit, like sagging boobs. Right now he's too firm for a big roll of neck fat.
  • richkid
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    richkid polycounter lvl 18
    Here is my latest update, sorry it has been a while, but as you can see i've been working on him. there is still a lot to do but he is well on his way. thanks for the crits and keep em coming.

  • MAUL0r
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    MAUL0r polycounter lvl 18
    more dirt more dirt!

    I can tell it's still in the earlier stages of the texture, but it's coming along well!

    also, maybe consider using a piece of forest terrain as refference for your color scheme on the whole model. He seems to live among nature ALOT, so I think using nature as a refference from an area you envision him living will help unify the whole package.

    it'd even be cool to see him inserted into a forest scene using photoshop and have him look right at home. Is this for prototyping or character modeling? or senior project?
  • Jaco
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    Jaco polycounter lvl 17
    Looking good! Are you painting the normal map?
    Nice three nipples smile.gif
  • richkid
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    richkid polycounter lvl 18
    its for senior project, i take it we go to school together, who are you. thats kinda wierd.
  • MAUL0r
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    MAUL0r polycounter lvl 18
    rofl gav...

    I graduated last June... ask princess who MAUL0r is... he knows. Mostly cause I pwn him in UT2k4 heh.
  • stimpack
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    stimpack polycounter lvl 10
    [ QUOTE ]
    ask princess who MAUL0r is... he knows. Mostly cause I pwn him in UT2k4 heh.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    damn! im not even on this thread and i get shit talked on lol. and for the record, i whooped your ass at unreal!

    im not gonna drop any crits, i see you working on this all the time, u know my thoughts =)
  • Jesse Moody
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    Jesse Moody polycounter lvl 18
    Ok go into face mode. Ctrl + A and then hit delete. This will really help you out.

    No man it's looking good. Better than last week in class. Keep it up and get this damn thing done.

    Oh yeah Gears of War this week at my place.

  • HonkyPunch
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    HonkyPunch polycounter lvl 18
    Dude, black and white 2 creature all the way.
  • kiril0t
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    kiril0t polycounter lvl 12
    i dont realy like the plugs they dont do anything for the character, i guess unless they were tree stumps or something, but then thats a personal crit. The textures realy weak, when i saw the concept drawing behind the block out model i was expecting some thing realy dope, then ... i was disapointed, it seems to me that youre not sure where to go with the texture; real, cartoony, or stylized. so you should figure that out , and photo sourcing is definately a good tip if for nothin else other than color grabbing
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