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Seagate contest...

polycounter lvl 18
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sledgy polycounter lvl 18
Thought some of you might be interested in this...flex those design skilz...


Back when "mouse" just meant "small annoying rodent," would-be inventors competed to see who could build a better mouse trap. In these "mouse as input device" days, Seagate Technology is kicking off a contest on MySpace called "Driven to Design." MySpace users between the ages of 14 and 28 are invited to create a new mobile device that includes a 20GB 1-inch Seagate hard drive.

The winner will receive a $5000 prize, and five runners-up will receive $1000 apiece. In other words, for ten grand, the company gets a whole bunch of new product ideas. Contestants don't actually have to construct the device but can describe it in words, in sketches, or through other media. [hinthint]

The contest begins October 9 and will run through November 15, with winners announced in December. Official rules are available myspace.com/_Seagate. Let's see if someone can actually build a better mousetrap: one with a 20GB hard drive, of course!
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