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Advice on computer sales

polycounter lvl 18
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PfhorRunner polycounter lvl 18
So I just got off the phone with a friend of mine who's looking to buy my current computer. The specs are as follows:
AMD 64 4000+ 2.4ghz
ASROCK Dual-SATA2 mobo
2 gigs Corsair Value RAM
XFX Geforce 6800GT
LiteOn P.O.S. CD Drive
Seagate Barracuda 160 gig HDD
Coolermaster Centurion Case
Antec 550W Power Supply

Totals: About $886
(Prices used from Newegg 10-10-06)

Now, I'm currently a college student, so money isn't quite all there, but recently I have acquired a hefty sum (around $800) of free-to-spend money by doing some yardwork. And was thinking about buying this:

Intel Core 2 Duo E6600
2 gigs Corsair XMS2 RAM
Asus SLI mobo
EVGA Geforce 7950GT
Seagate SATA2 120gig HDD
650W Power supply
Some $70 antec case
Cheapo CD/DVD drive

All this totaling about $1310.

Now, I told my friend I'd sell my computer for around $800 if I were going to sell... so 1310-800=510. $510 for this uprade. Would it be worth $510 to upgrade to this machine? or should I wait another couple months to a year to upgrade (by which time there might be less of a chance of selling)?

More Info:
I'm really only using this for excessive gaming, and some artwork every now and then, but its 2d and doesn't take much speed. Like I said, im a college student, and I'm just getting settled into my routine, and don't have much time for gaming, but looking at these upcoming ones has yet again peaked my interest.

Also, any upcoming game suggestions? =P


  • chathog159
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    i like my compaq
  • PfhorRunner
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    PfhorRunner polycounter lvl 18
    Thanks for the awesome advice.
  • EarthQuake
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  • Mark Dygert
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    Don't upgrade just for the sake of upgrading. If you do a pre-emptive upgrade you'll end up with slightly worse hardware when those games come along that would have forced an upgrade. If you wait until those games come along you can take advantage of the prices and the latest hardware of that time, not the super expensive, going to be out of date hardware of now.

    If you don't "need it" stick with what you have. Don't get sucked into messuring your self worth by your computer specs.
  • Pedro Amorim
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    If its just for gaming i dont think its worth, i mean, its not like your life depends on it. Just continue to get money, and buy yourself a dx10 gpu and a quad core, when they get out.
  • PfhorRunner
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    PfhorRunner polycounter lvl 18
    Hrm. good points. I think i've decided to keep it for now, and upgrade when I need to. This thing runs really everything I need it to right now, and Vig, you're right. Buying a computer pre-emptively for gaming is kind of dumb....

    Thanks tongue.gif
  • Xaltar
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    Xaltar polycounter lvl 17
    Vig has a good point, not to mention that when windows Vista and DirectX 10 come out there will be a wave of new DX10 compliant kit comming out. Now is probably the worst possible time to spend money on an upgrade, especialy graphics. However, the system you outlined would be a good purchase if you were to keep your existing GFX card to use with the system (provided its a PCI Express card) untill the new directX 10 cards come out, and even then I would wait a few months for prices to settle. Upgrading to a core duo (E6600) is a good move but I would hold out for a while and watch the market, do some research before making your descision.
  • sledgy
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    sledgy polycounter lvl 18
    You'll have an easier time a year from now selling the dual core machine than you will selling the AMD64.
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