Was gonna go see that tonight or maybe later in the week - it gets an average of 92% on RottenTomatoes.com - a very good sign (8.3/10 average rating).
Oddly enough, The Queen gets a 98% rating (also averages 8.3/10) with over 50 reviews. The trailers for that kinda puzzled me, but it could be interesting, and seems to be very well done.
Maybe it's a good movie, but I don't think I'll watch it for a while. I've seen Infernal Affairs (on which this one is based) but didn't bother with the sequels, and it was a nice movie. Now I do love Scorsese and all his movies with De Niro, but for heaven's sake, why put DiCrapio and Matt Damon in there? I can't stand either of them I know that I'll be thinking how the hell could those two replace Tony Leung and Andy Lau, shaking my head in disbelief. Although Jack Nicholson is usually awesome. I don't have much trust in American adaptations of Asian movies just yet.
Going to see it in the next hour, looks great. I saw the whole IF trilogy (maybe only half of the last one) and thought it was rather cornball much of the time but had a nice premise. Looking forward to see Scorsese's adaptation.
Yeah, I think I'll wait for a dvd release of this one, or if someone asks me to go. I love Scorsese's movies, but this one just isn't giving me the want to see it in theatres.
Yup, definitly one of the most enjoyable movies for me in the last few years. All 4 of the major players were damn awesome - and the blond psychiatrist is easy to look at as well.
I really enjoyed Infernal Affairs, so I'm a little reluctant to spend my hard earned money on the heinously expensive cinema tickets here given the general quality of US remakes of Foreign Cinema (Ringu, Ju-on and Abre Los Ojos being prime examples). Is anyone able to give a comparisson between the original and remake?
I really enjoyed Infernal Affairs, so I'm a little reluctant to spend my hard earned money on the heinously expensive cinema tickets here given the general quality of US remakes of Foreign Cinema (Ringu, Ju-on and Abre Los Ojos being prime examples). Is anyone able to give a comparisson between the original and remake?
[/ QUOTE ]
Im with you and Fogmann in this one. I also saw Infernal Affairs a long time ago, so i'm a bit reluctant about going to see a remake. I mean. come'on! why every asian movie has to be remade? Same thing with the ring and lots others. anyway we'll see. By the way.. Abre Los Ojos is an awesome movie!
Good movie. Felt a little long at times. Di-crappio acted great (and stoled the show in my opinion)....and yea, Marky Mark was insane...ohh, and Joker was outstanding. The ending I thought was a bit over the top...and a few cut scenes I felt were off.
The "don't open until two weeks" yellow envelope that ended up in the psycho's drawer... what was all that about? Did I miss something? or did the director forget to get back to it or leave it out on purpose to keep people like me wondering "what was in that yellow envelope?"
The "don't open until two weeks" yellow envelope that ended up in the psycho's drawer... what was all that about? Did I miss something? or did the director forget to get back to it or leave it out on purpose to keep people like me wondering "what was in that yellow envelope?"
Overall Recommended,
[/ QUOTE ]
From what I gathered the info inside was to be given to Mark Walberg's character - and thats how he knew to kill Mat Damon at the end.**
Thanks Adam...since I noticed the doc place it in the drawer, I figured it was something else, but I guess your explanation makes sense.
by cut scenes, I meant to say the cuts between camera shots....like when Jack shows what he drew on the napkin at the diner...look down at your popcorn, and you miss it.. There were a few shots that cut abruptly I though....maybe on purpose (?), who knows.
If it was done with a regular director, the ending would have seemed unrealistic and gratuitous, and the steps leading up to it would have seemed cheesy and unnecessarily complex. But it was done so well and believable it made such extreme drama so powerful.
It better win best picture, what else could contend with it?
Damn it, DO NOT overhype this for me. I am a ruthless critic, and am planning on seeing this film soon. But every time I hear the old "Best movie out in the past 10 years." or similar quote, my expectations just get set FAR too high.
That movie was absolutely awesome. It was good in every way I could think of, and everyone should see it. Also, to agree with eveyone else, seeing the new 300 trailer just about made me literally drool.
Damn it, DO NOT overhype this for me. I am a ruthless critic, and am planning on seeing this film soon. But every time I hear the old "Best movie out in the past 10 years." or similar quote, my expectations just get set FAR too high.
Still, I hope it's as good as you all are saying.
[/ QUOTE ]
if you are really looking forward to a movie you really shouldn't read a lot of reviews, or peoples comments on it. What always bugs me about trailers some times is that they give too much away, I always like to go into a movie knowing little
i watched it this weekend. bitchin movie. the acting was superb on all levels. i have no qualms with this movie. i'm glad i didn't miss it in the theatre like the last scorscesse movie. had to watch gangs on dvd.
Hmm, I just got back from it.
I enjoyed it a lot - great acting in general (Jack Nicholson was superb), and I liked the plot. START SPOILERS! I have to agree with Jam though, I didn't know what happened to that yellow envelope the woman ended up with, or what it was even for. It just seemed like a random thing which ended up with no significance to me. Same with the pregnancy thing.END SPOILERS!
It did feel over-long, though - nicely paced but still got boring here and there. I don't think I'd give it the "film of the year" tag, though - so far I'd have to hand that to Children of Men, which I enjoyed much more on pretty much every level.
Hmm, I just got back from it.
I enjoyed it a lot - great acting in general (Jack Nicholson was superb), and I liked the plot. START SPOILERS! I have to agree with Jam though, I didn't know what happened to that yellow envelope the woman ended up with, or what it was even for. It just seemed like a random thing which ended up with no significance to me. Same with the pregnancy thing.END SPOILERS!
It did feel over-long, though - nicely paced but still got boring here and there. I don't think I'd give it the "film of the year" tag, though - so far I'd have to hand that to Children of Men, which I enjoyed much more on pretty much every level.
[/ QUOTE ]
Hmm, I didn't know Children of Men was out already. I really want to see that movie. That's Clive Owen and Rene Russo or something isn't it?
DiCaprio said 'Open this if...'. She opened it. It said 'Tell Walhberg your bloke is scum'. She did. He went mental
[/ QUOTE ]
BIG SPOILERS! Rick, but when did she ever open it? I just saw her go to the funeral, then he comes home and gets shot. No scene of her reading it or telling the guy or anything... just seems very disjointed to me, could have been handled much better. Unless I fell asleep for 2 minutes for that precise scene or something.
AdamBrome: Yeah, it's a British movie so it probably came out here before the USA, not sure though. It's been out for a few weeks - Clive Owen and Julianne Moore. Very good, I rate it higher than The Departed IMHO.
i like how they didn't show her open the envelope, you just have to make an assumption. Just like the baby being dicaprio's, and just like that one gang member being an undercover cop or not
Martin Scorsese is one of my fav directors, but, this certainly isn't one fo my favorite films. This year has been dry for cinema so...maybe he'll finnally pick up Best Director?
The only 'scorsese style' grit of the movie was when those three guys were murdered in front of the elevator. I didn't get the usual uncomfortable drama that I expect from this guy.
DiCaprio is the top-billed actor in this film, so I don't know that he can steal his own show. Seeing it Saturday myself...
[/ QUOTE ]
He may have had top billing, but this was far and away an ensemble cast movie. Plus, who thinks top billing means anything when Jack Nicholson is in the picture?
My comment though was largly due to the fact that i have a hard time 'believing' DiCaprio is anyone but himself in all his movies. Folks have the same problems with Tom Cruise as well.
have to say the remade is rather shallow compared to the original Internal Affairs. much worse actually, a ruin of the fantastic story. and the logic in The Departed is unbelievably RIDICULOUS.
I saw it in the theatre, and jizzed my pants when I saw the trailer for 300, I rubbed it in my Dad's face that it was based off the comic (or graphic novel) he always was like "stop wasting your time readin them darn comic books", even he thought it looked really cool.
**Spoiler Alert**
I thought the movie started to get pretty ridiculous towards the end with all the head shots. The whole audience was stupified when Leo got head shotted, the guy sitting next to me and was like "what the shit!?" I thought it was more of a comedy than a drama.
Also, I was confused about the meaning of the Golden Dome, and my brother explained to me that it was the dome of a famous Church in Boston, and this movie was being made during the Priests-touching-boys Scandal, to show that there were rats in the church, just like there are rats in the police. It was entertaining, but I am uncertain this is the movie of the year.
PS~ I really liked Mark Wahlbergs haircut, and the speach given at the driving range about marriage, I lol'd.
Saw it this last Saturday, loved it, I wouldn't say the story was to amazing but the actors and the characters they played made it pretty damn awesome.
Anyone know where I can pick up that Internal Affairs movie it's based off of? I'm curious since everyone says it's better...
You know it's funny. Because everyone I know who says Internal Affairs is better, are the sort of people who are huge Asian film fans, and would stand up for Asian cinema regardless of anything.
I still haven't seen this movie, and at this point, It seems like I'll be seeing it on DVD.
Great film, one of the best of the year easily. Also, and its not often I say this, its an american remake thats better than the original, certainly for westerner's if not all.
What really stands out is the dialogue, very entertaining, I would pay to see it twice.
Roll on Borat and Pan's labyrinth, I love the fall season.
Oddly enough, The Queen gets a 98% rating (also averages 8.3/10) with over 50 reviews. The trailers for that kinda puzzled me, but it could be interesting, and seems to be very well done.
Also, seeing the 300 trailer on the big screen was fuckin AMAZING. cant wait
aesir, seeing 300 on the big screen was great.
I really enjoyed Infernal Affairs, so I'm a little reluctant to spend my hard earned money on the heinously expensive cinema tickets here given the general quality of US remakes of Foreign Cinema (Ringu, Ju-on and Abre Los Ojos being prime examples). Is anyone able to give a comparisson between the original and remake?
[/ QUOTE ]
Im with you and Fogmann in this one. I also saw Infernal Affairs a long time ago, so i'm a bit reluctant about going to see a remake. I mean. come'on! why every asian movie has to be remade? Same thing with the ring and lots others. anyway we'll see. By the way.. Abre Los Ojos is an awesome movie!
The "don't open until two weeks" yellow envelope that ended up in the psycho's drawer... what was all that about? Did I miss something? or did the director forget to get back to it or leave it out on purpose to keep people like me wondering "what was in that yellow envelope?"
Overall Recommended,
The "don't open until two weeks" yellow envelope that ended up in the psycho's drawer... what was all that about? Did I miss something? or did the director forget to get back to it or leave it out on purpose to keep people like me wondering "what was in that yellow envelope?"
Overall Recommended,
[/ QUOTE ]
From what I gathered the info inside was to be given to Mark Walberg's character - and thats how he knew to kill Mat Damon at the end.**
**It's a thread about the movie.
by cut scenes, I meant to say the cuts between camera shots....like when Jack shows what he drew on the napkin at the diner...look down at your popcorn, and you miss it..
Still a good movie.
If it was done with a regular director, the ending would have seemed unrealistic and gratuitous, and the steps leading up to it would have seemed cheesy and unnecessarily complex. But it was done so well and believable it made such extreme drama so powerful.
It better win best picture, what else could contend with it?
Still, I hope it's as good as you all are saying.
Damn it, DO NOT overhype this for me. I am a ruthless critic, and am planning on seeing this film soon. But every time I hear the old "Best movie out in the past 10 years." or similar quote, my expectations just get set FAR too high.
Still, I hope it's as good as you all are saying.
[/ QUOTE ]
if you are really looking forward to a movie you really shouldn't read a lot of reviews, or peoples comments on it. What always bugs me about trailers some times is that they give too much away, I always like to go into a movie knowing little
I enjoyed it a lot - great acting in general (Jack Nicholson was superb), and I liked the plot. START SPOILERS! I have to agree with Jam though, I didn't know what happened to that yellow envelope the woman ended up with, or what it was even for. It just seemed like a random thing which ended up with no significance to me. Same with the pregnancy thing.END SPOILERS!
It did feel over-long, though - nicely paced but still got boring here and there. I don't think I'd give it the "film of the year" tag, though - so far I'd have to hand that to Children of Men, which I enjoyed much more on pretty much every level.
DiCaprio said 'Open this if...'. She opened it. It said 'Tell Walhberg your bloke is scum'. She did. He went mental
Hmm, I just got back from it.
I enjoyed it a lot - great acting in general (Jack Nicholson was superb), and I liked the plot. START SPOILERS! I have to agree with Jam though, I didn't know what happened to that yellow envelope the woman ended up with, or what it was even for. It just seemed like a random thing which ended up with no significance to me. Same with the pregnancy thing.END SPOILERS!
It did feel over-long, though - nicely paced but still got boring here and there. I don't think I'd give it the "film of the year" tag, though - so far I'd have to hand that to Children of Men, which I enjoyed much more on pretty much every level.
[/ QUOTE ]
Hmm, I didn't know Children of Men was out already. I really want to see that movie. That's Clive Owen and Rene Russo or something isn't it?
DiCaprio said 'Open this if...'. She opened it. It said 'Tell Walhberg your bloke is scum'. She did. He went mental
[/ QUOTE ]
BIG SPOILERS! Rick, but when did she ever open it? I just saw her go to the funeral, then he comes home and gets shot. No scene of her reading it or telling the guy or anything... just seems very disjointed to me, could have been handled much better. Unless I fell asleep for 2 minutes for that precise scene or something.
AdamBrome: Yeah, it's a British movie so it probably came out here before the USA, not sure though. It's been out for a few weeks - Clive Owen and Julianne Moore. Very good, I rate it higher than The Departed IMHO.
The only 'scorsese style' grit of the movie was when those three guys were murdered in front of the elevator. I didn't get the usual uncomfortable drama that I expect from this guy.
Oh well...still a decent film. DVD though.
the departed looks stupid; sorry.
[/ QUOTE ]
you can't argue with logic like that. Things and people that 'look' stupid more than probably are.
[/ QUOTE ]
answers on a postcard to the usual address ...
My only complaint was that Jack gets a bit too evil in some scenes, almost non-sensibly so. Did we really need to see him eat a fly?
Di-crappio acted great (and stoled the show in my opinion)....
[/ QUOTE ]
And Nitzmoff wrote:
and suprisingly, I thought Leo stole the show.
[/ QUOTE ]
DiCaprio is the top-billed actor in this film, so I don't know that he can steal his own show. Seeing it Saturday myself...
DiCaprio is the top-billed actor in this film, so I don't know that he can steal his own show. Seeing it Saturday myself...
[/ QUOTE ]
He may have had top billing, but this was far and away an ensemble cast movie. Plus, who thinks top billing means anything when Jack Nicholson is in the picture?
My comment though was largly due to the fact that i have a hard time 'believing' DiCaprio is anyone but himself in all his movies. Folks have the same problems with Tom Cruise as well.
On the topic of DiCaprio, you ever see What's Eating Gilbert Grape?
**Spoiler Alert**
I thought the movie started to get pretty ridiculous towards the end with all the head shots. The whole audience was stupified when Leo got head shotted, the guy sitting next to me and was like "what the shit!?" I thought it was more of a comedy than a drama.
Also, I was confused about the meaning of the Golden Dome, and my brother explained to me that it was the dome of a famous Church in Boston, and this movie was being made during the Priests-touching-boys Scandal, to show that there were rats in the church, just like there are rats in the police. It was entertaining, but I am uncertain this is the movie of the year.
PS~ I really liked Mark Wahlbergs haircut, and the speach given at the driving range about marriage, I lol'd.
Anyone know where I can pick up that Internal Affairs movie it's based off of? I'm curious since everyone says it's better...
I still haven't seen this movie, and at this point, It seems like I'll be seeing it on DVD.
jizzed my pants when I saw the trailer for 300, I rubbed it in my Dad's face
[/ QUOTE ]
Sorry, had to.
What really stands out is the dialogue, very entertaining, I would pay to see it twice.
Roll on Borat and Pan's labyrinth, I love the fall season.