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DS homebrew - where to start?

grand marshal polycounter
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pior grand marshal polycounter
Hi all

As homebrew DS applications start to appear everywhere I am more and more interested into trying this out. My problem is that I don't really know where to start even after quite some research on wiki pages and on coder's blogs.

I don't plan to try and code anything myself, but I have seen many projects I would love to try to run on my system, and some I am more than willing to contribute to.

Also, hardware and software solutions seem to evolve so fast it is getting quite tricky to keep track of what is best to use.

I understand that in the past DS homebrew used to require a flashed bios using passMe or WifiMe, but know it seems possible to run apps with a noPass allowing DS code to be read from the GBA slot. (correct me if I am wrong)

I am the owner of a DSlite turning purple during the pictochat bios test. I also have a working EZFA256 for the GBA hence I guess(?) I can use this by connecting my old GBA to my PC to burn DS code to the card? But then remains the question of, wich NoPass is compatible with a EZFA, and is a 256 enough to run average-sized DS apps.

And then I hear about GBA cards with a CF or SM slot in them... Chaos again :O

I also saw an announcement about a DS card which acts an NoPass, WITH a CF or SD slot, that's even sleeker. Is this out yet?

And now there is this...

I'm a bit lost!
Input and links very welcome.


There is another paint app I lost the link for. I know MightyEmoPea got it, kid on rescue! And Porco too.


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