got offered the opportunity to put some work in a gallery show. so i'm knocking this up into a small scene. to be printed on canvas. there'll be two of these ' worker ' guys in there. standin' around. lookin' at stuff
thanks guys. yeah. he's kinda like a higher res dude wearing a lo res suit. still quite low poly overall but it's for a print so he comes with a little conceptual blather as to why he is why he is. i'll rebuild the head with a more sensible count later on i reckon
yeah. i wasn't too sure on which way to go with that. and in the end i couldn't get it to happen the way i wanted with the screen grabs either. too low res for the canvas to pick up. so i tried the vectors above. and even then lost a lot of detail. printing from a small inkjet. it's due in a couple hours so i can't do no more. nevermind. they were fun to make. and i'll tweak them later
( img's updated )